Fahren mit Kennzeichen von anderem Auto?


angenommen man hat sein Auto im Winter in eine Halle abgestellt und abgemeldet. Und möchte es nun (15km) wieder nach Hause holen aber noch nicht anmelden… ohne mal die rechtlichen Konsequenzen im Auge zu haben, würdet ihr das Auto anmelden?

Angenommen das Auto hat auch noch tüv. Da wäre es doch naheliegend, das Auto mit Kennzeichen seines anderen Autos zu versehen und es damit nach Hause zu fahren?

Ich muss ehrlich sagen ich finde es absolut Quatsch sein Auto im angenommenen Fall kurzzeitig anzumelden (für 5 Tage) wenn man es nur einmal 15 km fährt und es danach zuhause wieder steht. Kosten höher als alles andere…

Ihr braucht mich nicht beleidigen oder den Moralapostel spielen, ich mache sowas natürlich nicht, ich hole mein Auto mit Hänger von da ab.

Aber hättet ihr diesen Fall, würdet ihr das oben genannte in Erwägung ziehen?

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3 years ago

No, because I’m just not stupid. I’d start from the worst and think what could happen. Apart from that, there is no insurance cover and I’m liable for all damages, there’s a real one over the transmitter. Man gets a high fine or if it’s stupid, even a prison sentence and two points. You have to have a real macke with such a risk for yourself and others. But please, everyone like He or you want…

3 years ago
Reply to  Lady0701

A vehicle without an official and approved vehicle identification number does not belong to public roads and roads. Point. Out. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1m or 100m. But in principle, I can understand if someone doesn’t want to get short-term signs for 20m. And probably, depending on the time of day and the area, nothing would happen if you sit in the car quickly this 20m. But what if? The devil is a squirrel… You just don’t drive those 15 kilometers you mentioned. A stupid random traffic control or a flasher. Then the shit becomes more expensive than any short-term license. It’s just not worth it.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t do that because the legal consequences are too great.

Are you in the ADAC? Call it, and ask what it would cost to put a car in place.

Otherwise, do you have a workshop of your trust? Then ask if they’ll put your car in a friendly price. If no, ask who you could turn.

Much success and do not make any nonsense 🙂

3 years ago

leave a crime

Label abuse – Driving with an unauthorized and uninsured vehicle

3 years ago

I don’t understand, it has license plates, and it can be driven to the registration office, and if they already have them back home.

Why doesn’t your realtor know?

Other license plate is just a crime, costs about 5,000 EUR at our company.

Consider that without authorisation it must not be visibly discontinued at home, so my pension insurance.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lady0701

So it is, to the workshop, to the TÜV, and to fuel if necessary for approval. The eVBN must of course be carried along.

3 years ago

And if they already have to go home.

3 years ago

I know how else it should be possible to drive home without this plan?

And pendants are not in the question either.

3 years ago

will you have signed up?


It would be obvious to have the car with the signs of his other car and drive it home with it?

Absolutely not because it has no insurance cover!

I have to say honestly, I find it absolutely bullshit to report his car briefly in the accepted case

I have to say honestly, I find it absolutely bullshit to commit a crime and risk a high penalty for a few euros.

But would you have this case, would you consider the above?


3 years ago
Reply to  Lady0701

Right. Even at 100m.

3 years ago

I’m not considering any crimes, and I don’t want to pay for an insecure car after an accident for the rest of my life.

3 years ago

No, I’d never consider that.

3 years ago

But would you have this case, would you consider the above?

No way. If anything happens, there is no active insurance cover for the vehicle and then the sack is heavy on the steam.

You just have to imagine a seemingly harmless incident in which the person suffers a damage that no longer makes her work the rest of her life. Then you can say goodbye to any revenue in the future.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lady0701

but if nix happens like most normal rides

I think that every accident the driver used to start this. You can never know that.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t consider that. This can ruin the whole life. Zero insurance cover. In case of an accident, you pay everything yourself. Just take someone’s paralyzed by the accident. You pay for a lifetime. The penalties for driving an unauthorized car and the abuse of the license plate are quite aside. There are trailers and short registrations for this.

3 years ago

A short-term identifier costs about 70€. I wouldn’t risk getting for a damage because the car wasn’t insured.