Fahre erste mal mit dem ICE, hilfe?

Guten morgen, heute fahre ich das erste Mal mit dem ICE und kenne mich wenig damit aus. Auf mein Ticket steht zum Beipiel Hinfahtt ab 12:09 Uhr. Bedeutet das, dass der Zug nur um 12:09 Uhr kommt oder das nach 12:09 Uhr über den Tag mehrere ICE Züge kommen, welche ich nehmen kann?

Dann steht da z.B. WG.2, Sitzplatz 25. Ich vermute mal WG steht für Wagon, aber muss ich beim einsteigen sofort in den richtigen Wagon einsteigen? Oder kann ich auch innerhalb des Zuges meinen Wagon wechseln?

Habt ihr eventuell weitere wichtige Informationen für mich was ich beachten sollte? Vielen Dank.

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7 months ago

On my ticket to the Beipiel Hinfahtt from 12:09

No, you have to take the train at 12:09 (if it comes on time)

WG.2, seat 25.

Car 2 seat 25. On each platform and in the DB app there is a car stand indicator. Here it is shown in which platform section your car 2 holds (A, B, C, D, …)

But you can also get in somewhere and walk through the train– it’s only long-lasting because, depending on the load, the gears are full and it doesn’t go ahead or back.

7 months ago
Reply to  Krawallbotz

You can also get in somewhere and walk through the train

Be careful, there are double trains! On the one hand, they are separated at some point and drive in different directions. On the other hand, it is only possible to switch between the number 20, 21, and 30, 31, for example.


7 months ago
Reply to  notting

I’ve already had a few paintings that I’ve just got the connection ICE through delays – then I’ll just get in somewhere.

If it’s a double pull, I’ll change the pull part at the next stop.

I’m writing from sorry and long DB experience

7 months ago

Possibly… but rather like to win the train because you were looking for the right car.

7 months ago

If it’s a double pull, I’ll change the pull part at the next stop.

Everything you write right, but then the reservation may have been lost until then.


7 months ago

If your ticket is “ab xxx” it means that the train will depart at the starting station at that time. You can then use the train at any train station along the route during your trip.

If on your ticket is “from xxx clock car 2, place 25”, that means that you have to enter the second car of the ICE and put yourself in place 25 . You can also change the car at any time during the trip as long as you want it and there are free places.

7 months ago

12:09 is the time when the ICE departs. It’s worth being there early enough. When you get in, you don’t have to get into the right Wagon. It’s okay if you go in and look. You can also change it within the train. Important information would be that you can buy something at ICE. (People usually come by). Besides, you should look for a fixed place that you don’t leave, because it can be that other people sit on that place.

7 months ago

Hello, at 12.09, your train is on. You should catch him. Later trains will also drive, but of course I can’t say that.

I always book Super Sparpreis in advance. This is much cheaper, but I am bound to the booked train.

Exactly, car 2, seat 25. You can also change the cars on the train, but that’s pretty tight. Better get in the right car.

Take some food and drink. Although the ICE has a on-board restaurant, that is recently sometimes not operated or the selection is limited. Besides, it’s quite expensive.

7 months ago
Reply to  Raven751

probably Mutti booked him that, otherwise he would have to know that

7 months ago

nen ice is only faster and longer otherwise the same as any train and any train when you can see the train from the outside somewhere sun pulling won Schaffner can sit there ned more otherwise already, logical thinking goes also through seeing