Facharzttermin und trotzdem nicht dran gekommen?
Hey, ich bin heute sehr genervt. Ich hatte heute einen Facharzttermin der in meinem Kalender steht. Ich kam dort hin und mir wurde gesagt, ich hätte heute keinen Termin sondern erst Ende Januar. An mir selbst zweifelnd fuhr ich wieder nach Hause. Zu Hause fand ich meinen Bestellzettel wo eindeutig heute drauf steht. Als ich anrief um das zu klären, da wurde mir unterstellt das ich mich getäuscht hätte obwohl eindeutig drauf steht, 05.12.2023. Ich bin jetzt sehr sauer, was würdest du an meiner Stelle machen?
It happened to me, too, and they recorded me for a wrong time, and then I was “too late” for two hours, although on my note the right time is on it. I had to wait for a very long time, almost 2 hours in the waiting room and then came to the end.
The best thing you can do is negotiate kindly with the practice that they can push you somewhere else or call you when something gets free in the short term. That’s probably their fault, but that doesn’t change the situation that you’re in the plan for the end of January.
She has apologised x times but so I still have to wait until January
With the date note go there. He’s been stamped
I was told it would be one of last year
There’s a year on it.
This is the bad thing with the doctor’s appointments
The note doesn’t give you anything in the after, so the date is over. And with demand and insist, you are not going anywhere in a practice.
What do you expect here?
The doctor is not just around the corner, yet thanks for your honest answer
With the note gone and insisted on a new appointment in a few days
What you would have done
if you don’t want to prove what you want to hear
Yes, but I should come next year at the end of January
Go back and keep the note under your nose. Pressing to get a new appointment right now
This is according to registration in January 😕