Fachabitur mit 0p in Mathe?
Ich mache zurzeit mein Vollabitur 12. Klasse in NRW und möchte dieses Jahr mit meinem Fachabi gehen. Wie viele Grundkurse bzw. freie Kurse kann ich mit einbringen. Und kann man mit 0 Punkten in Mathe bzw. von beiden Halbjahren zusammen 1 Punkt, sein Fachabi erhalten?
I only know how it is in Bavaria, but I don’t think it will be much different. In Bavaria you must have at least 1 point in the check, 0 points are not passed. With us there are the 1-4-5 hurdles, i.e. in a 1 point, in a 4 points and in a 5 points. In general, however, you need 100 points of 300 points to create the Abi. You can find out more on the official pages of the NRW.
But I want to go with a specialist. That is why I do not write an exam; only the courses of 12.1 and 12.2 are counted.
Oh, that’s all right. But 0 point is “not participated” quasi and therefore not passed. In Bavaria, the half-year was not passed. I would advise you to speak with your seniors coordinator or to look at official pages.