F+ will Sex ohne Kondom. Schlechte Idee?
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Wir haben regelmäßig Sex miteinander.
Hallo, vielleicht kennt sich hier irgendwer damit aus bzw. hat das auch und kann mich ein bisschen beruhigen. Habe die Pille früher schonmal genommen und sie inzwischen abgesetzt gehabt. Nun nehme ich sie wieder und meine Entzugsblutung ist sehr sehr schwach. Kann mich nicht mehr erinnern wie sie früher war, vielleicht kommt es mir noch…
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Bin ich schwanger
Hallo, unzwar nehme ich seit etwa einem Jahr die Swingo20. Es lief immer alles super und Jetzt plötzlich bin ich am dritten Tag meiner Pause und merke nichts. Habe Brustschmerzen aber keine Unterleibschmerzen wie Ich es sonst habe. ist das normal oder könnten das Anzeichen sein?
Hallo, ich habe bei Amazon etwas bestellt und lasse es bei einer Postfiliale abgeben. Es soll morgen Nachmittag ankommen allerdings hat die Postfiliale morgen nur bis 12Uhr auf. Meine Frage ist jetzt wo das Paket dann abgegeben wird?
Very bad idea.
On sex without condom you should only be admitted if the loyalty and health of the sexual partner are absolutely safe.
With an F+ you cannot rely on both and loyalty is as good as never guaranteed. You’re not together either.
If F+ already, please. Always take condoms.
If he is rich, there is a lot of maintenance.
It depends. Are you different? Could one of you have sexual diseases? Are you monogamous or not? If it is not otherwise prevented or is not certain that you both have no sexual diseases, I would never give up condom.
F+ is such a stupid construct for people who don’t want anything binding.
You don’t know where his cipolata is sunk anywhere else.
if you want a child then yes or you need to take the pill
otherwise you will soon push the stroller.. Forget that with the “break” a seed already extends into the lust drops
Depends on whether you still prevent
No, not at all. But he doesn’t want to use condom anymore. 🤦🏼
Then it’s up to you to stay consistent and make it clear to him that you don’t want unprotected traffic. If he’s to sneak, he’s to cry — guys who just want sex, there’s more than enough, and there’s also enough to respect this border.
Then let me quote Sheldon Cooper:
“No, that’s not a good idea. The wheel was a good idea
and the theory of relativity. This isn’t one.”
If there is no explicit two-sided child desire, it is reasonable and sensible to always use condoms.
The Piile is also very reliable when properly taken.
The two have no real relationship. F+ is usually nothing binding or exclusive.
I ruled out in a firm relationship.
I asked for point 1 and point 2
fixed relationship excluded.
It is not only about contraception, it is also about protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
I don’t understand. Also the last braid knows,
that unprotected GV is designed to be pregnant
to be. How do you get the idea?
First of all, not every woman carries hormonal contraception, and secondly, the pill does not protect against diseases.
Very bad idea! You want to emigrate to the USA. Can you give me a single reason why the Amis should invite a sexually ill single mother to come to her country?
Bad idea, you should know yourself.
I also told him, but he doesn’t want to get it.
Then he has to live with the fact that there is no sex with you.
Bad idea.
if you want young people, just go.
Always with