EZB Leitzinssenkung?

Die EZB wird wahrscheinlich den Leitzins senken. D h. wir werden für unser Erspartes wieder weniger Zinsen bekommen.

Da stellt sich erneut die Frage, wo man sein Geld sicher anlegen kann oder sollte.

Ich hatte eine Anlage bei meiner Bank getätigt Laufzeit 1 Jahr. Bekam 1400 Euro Zinsen. Davon ging dann die Kapitalertragssteuer und Soli ab. Am Ende belief sich der Abzug auf knapp 400 Euro. Lohnen sich solche Anlagen überhaupt ?

Ende September diesen Jahres läuft eine weitere Anlage ab, die ich getätigt habe. Nun möchte ich mich neu erkundigen, wo man am besten Anlagen kurzfristig, maximal 1 Jahr tätigen könnte.

Gibt es Banken im Ausland die höhere Zinsen anbieten aber auch dem Einlagensicherungsfonds angehören ?

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9 months ago

If it really is to be short-term or economically necessary, then corresponding fixed money or possibly daily money would take accounts. Banks with the best conditions can be found via comparative portals such as check24 and Co.

Are there banks abroad offering higher interest rates, but are also part of the Deposit Guarantee Fund?

The type of deposit protection is generally present in the above-mentioned portals. If a foreign bank has a German deposit, the German deposit guarantee may also apply in other countries, i.e. in the EU, similar similar securities apply. If necessary, you have to throw only a bite on the creditworthiness of the country. How much is the Italian deposit guarantee worth?

But all such plants do not pay for themselves. At best you can balance inflation. More is not possible with riskless facilities with short runtime. Neither in Germany nor elsewhere. Therefore, consider whether such short-term deposits are really necessary or whether you do not want to create a part in stock/funds in the long term.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ontario

Yes, of course, the age of the investor must be taken into account when thinking about the investment horizon. I just wanted to mention that you should also think about it so that there is not unnecessary much money on daily money accounts around

9 months ago

There are enough online comparisons for day and festivities that look exactly at that. Look at check24

9 months ago

There is, but one thing is clear: the higher the interest rate, the higher the risk. A security fund that does not pay does not help. This happened in Iceland in 2008.