Extremer Juckreiz am Kopf?

Ich habe seit längerem schon eine sehr stark verschupte Kopfhaut die auch deswegen sehr juckt.

Gestern habe ich ein neues Shampoo von der Apotheke dagegen ausprobiert, und jetzt eine Nacht später habe ich extremen Juckreiz auf meiner Kopfhaut.

Was kann man dagegen machen?

Was hilft schnell?

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2 years ago

Get a very mild baby shampoo from the drugstore (something with “sensitiv” for babies) and use it in the future (e.g. from Weleda). Before washing you make an oil cure, i.e. you get hair oil (or take a simple edible oil) and soften your scalp with it. Over several hours. Then you wash out the oil with the Babshampoo. Your scalp seems to be extremely overstretched. The oil calms the irritated skin, and baby shampoo does as little damage as possible when washing.

If it doesn’t get better, go to the skin doctor and let him see if you don’t have a shed braid or neurodermitis.

2 years ago

Put this remedy down and find out why you are allergic to it. I myself also had sheds, if nothing helps to shave hair or live with it and I don’t think shampoos on a biological basis (such as hop extract) irritate so much. Good luck;)

2 years ago

Quickly helps rinse well, not too hot and not wash too often and always mix a few drops of argan oil into the shampoo portion.

2 years ago

take cetirizin. What kind of shampoo? It’s usually a mushroom. There is terzolin in exchange with physiogel shampoo very good .

2 years ago

Wash again with clear water