Extreme Schmerzen im Knie beim rennen, Treppen steigen etc?


Seit ein paar Monaten hab ich extreme Schmerzen im rechten Knie. Auf dem Bild habe ich den Bereich markiert. So an der Innenseite fängt es an RICHTIG wehzutun wenn ich Treppen auf und absteige, in die hocke gehe, renne und manchmal einfach beim normalen gehen oder stehen. Ich war schon beim Arzt, Röntgen und beim MRT. Bei allem kam NICHTS raus. Anscheinend ist mein Knie gesund. Aber der Schmerz wird immer schlimmer und teilweise ist laufen eine echte Qual. Mein Hobby ist Tanzen, kann ich derzeit nicht richtig machen weil mein Knie weh tut beim Tanzen. Weiß jemand was das sein könnte?

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2 years ago

must jump over your ego and have to make increased leg axes training.

In the hip hop etc. you move your legs in not quite…. everyday usual movements…

Therefore the whole muscle must be stabilized so that you have long fun dancing.

2 years ago
Reply to  XXBunBun256

Even dancers have a “loving leg”. So the leg where more body weight is shifted on it…. if I compare in all dance directions are more ballet dancers who get both knees “to fuck” in time, but also jackpot.

2 years ago

Thank you.

2 years ago

if the leg axis… Knee axis makes no sense, the knee is only the intermediary between hip and ankle. And if you’re just a middleman you have nothing to say.

2 years ago

Meniskus torn?
It was so long for me to heal!

2 years ago

probably you have knee arthrosis. Mesotherapy can help with the pain.

2 years ago
Reply to  XXBunBun256

at least annoying and painful the further it progresses. In addition to mesotherapy, according to my retired pediatrician, cycling should also help. Mesotherapy is probably just a symptomatic treatment

2 years ago
Reply to  XXBunBun256


You’re not even in the arthrosis age. And so that you want to see something at your age in MRI; have to dance at high performance level (at least 6 hours a day training over years) and then still… 10-15 years of stucco must be danced so that you can find the usual “sports wear” .

2 years ago

I’d recommend you go for ergotherapy.

LG your finger and good improvement!

2 years ago

Ergotherapy is employment therapy!! What’s that supposed to do with the knee pains?