Extreme schmerzen im Backenzahn?
Hey,ich habe in letzter Zeit schmerzen im Backenzahn gehabt.Aber gerade eben war gar nix und plötzlich kommen richtig starke schmerzen,es fühlt sich an als wäre es etwas taub weil ich die Schmerzen nur noch leicht spüre.Bitte schnelle hilfe.kein Zahnarzt!
No one can help you online. There’s only one dentist there.
Then go to the dentist in God’s name. No one can help you here without investigation.
I just want to know if someone had the same maybe someone knows it and I don’t have to go to the doctor
To the doctor, in any case, you must have toothaches are an alarm signal that is somewhat wrong there. The now a deafness feeling there might be something that has died there. Go, he’s not a monster and he’ll help you.
I wait until this happens again I go to the dentist because actually he does not shake and also no caries