Extreme Schmerzen beim Wasserlassen dass mir schwindelig wird und ich Schweißausbrüche kriege?

(männlich 24) Ich habe seit dem 6.12. hab ich einen Harnwegsinfekt, oben und unten.

Hab manchmal Fieber und krasse Schmerzen beim Pinkeln, so starke Schmerzen hatte ich noch nie.

Hab schon zwei Antibiotika komplett genommen, aber es wird einfach nicht besser. Die Schmerzen sind so extrem dass ich Herzrasen kriege und mir schwummrig und kurze Schweißausbrüche krieg. Ich hab auch eine Harnröhrenverengung

Die ganze Harnröhre von oben bis unten tut weh auch an der Eichel. Ich habe Angst was zu trinken weil ich dann auf die Toilette muss und es die Hölle ist.

Es tut 10x mal so stark weh wie ein Hexenschuss. Mein Penis (Harnröhre) tut die ganze Zeit weh. Wie lange dauert es bis sowas wieder weg geht? Kann es chronisch sein und gar nicht mehr weg gehen?

Es tut mehr weh wie meine Fibromyalgie oder wenn ich starke Bauchkrämpfe hab von meinen Gallensteinen. Es tut so weh das ich aus Reflex schreie und mir übel wird.

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2 months ago

Why the hell are you not in the hospital yet? I’d have called 112 in your place. Finally, because if something can no longer get better, you have to do everything to prevent it from getting worse.

2 months ago

I guess you have a pelvic floor inflammation and you should go to the hospital where they need to administer antibiotics intravenously

2 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

It has risen

2 months ago

Just call emergency 112, SOFORT! Report your symptoms.

Kidney aches are really intense, I wouldn’t be flaming for long. From to the hospital with you…

This can also be super dangerous. Kidney failure can end fatal.

2 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

Well, if you want to keep them, don’t call the doctor. Let yourself be transferred to Urologen. ;

2 months ago

Then I wish you a lot of fun with your pain. 😀

2 months ago

Drink cranberry juice!

2 months ago

Hello bigoppi, 👋

Extreme pain in urinating that I get dizzy and I get sweat breaks?

ohjeee… that sounds very violent.

…. I’m afraid to drink because I have to go to the bathroom and it’s hell.

In the case of a cockway infection,

from morning – evening

drink water and tea so that

the germs are flushed out!!!

If you drink too little – what you do

apparently also do – can itself

the state does not improve

Too little drinking is the stupidest thing

you can do with this infect

Please from now on best

today again consult the Urologen❗️

You should not have fever

Good improvement ✊✊✊✊✊🍀🍀🍀

LG 🙋🏻

2 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

Then there’s a representative.

In your case, you must

do not call, but just go!

2 months ago

I don’t want to judge, but Just change the doctor

2 months ago

So that sounds very unusual. Although I’m female, I’ve had such an infect and he was gone after a week with drugs. Would you go to the doctor again?

2 months ago

In the morning necessarily “as an emergency” to the urologist or immediately to the urological ambulance from the hospital.

There should be a culture immediately which germ you have and which antibiotics even help.

Now comes Christmas and many doctors have closed……better the clinic now than on the holidays.

BTW: Little drinking is counterproductive, better the bubble always fill and rinse!

Good improvement!

2 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

Yeah, that would be my way.

2 months ago

You need a suitable doctor. Maybe someone specializing in pain?

2 months ago

have already taken two antibiotics completely

What do you mean? 2 tablets in which dosage? What did the doctor say how long it will take? And how much did he tell you?

2 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

Then the doctor will certainly continue to help you. What does he say?

2 months ago

What answer do you expect? You’re afraid of consequential damage, but you’re also afraid to let the doctor check. You can’t help. That remote diagnosis is not possible should be known.

2 months ago

If it’s so bad you have to ask for help here, you should go to a hospital.

2 months ago

Then nobody can help you.

Where did you get the antibiotics if they weren’t prescribed you by a doctor?