Extreme Müdigkeit nach Schule?

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Und zwar geht es um folgendes Problem. Am Ende des Schultages, wenn ich bereits zu Hause bin und an meinen Hausaufgaben sitze, überkommt mich wie aus dem nichts ein Gefühl der extremen Müdigkeit. Das ist teilweise so schlimm, das ich mich schlafen legen muss, um überhaupt etwas machen zu können. Meine Frage an euch: Habt ihr Tipps wie ich dieses Gefühl übergehen kann?

Außerdem bin ich gerade mitten in der Pubertät, hats damit was zu tun?

Freue mich auf eure Antworten.

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6 months ago

Burschi, you had NEUN FERIEN. In time, your daily routine wsl has assumed a degree of disorder that would allow every fractal to be inherited from envy.

So get away from Pensionist’s Syndrome and bring back routine into life: Just get up and go to school. Be there with the brain on the thing and allow the cell phone to rest. After school a light lunch/jause, then untilsi recharge the sun. Before dinner, the HÜs do as much as possible, the rest after. Not too long to stay up. The classics of the advice.

If you insert a little sleep in the afternoon, it’s a risk that you might fall asleep worse in the evening/night. 😐

6 months ago
Reply to  Milkasway


6 months ago

If it doesn’t stop you from sleeping at night, just sit down.

You’re struggling with your head all day and, in addition, the brain needs resources for the puberty-related reconstruction. Many young people need a lot of sleep.

Just make sure you don’t sleep too much during the day so that your night-day rhythm doesn’t get messed up and you still get sleep disorders at night.

6 months ago

In my puberty, I was constantly tired and kept a night’s sleep almost daily. I don’t think it’s unusual at age 🙂