extreme körperbehaarung als frau?

Hi!! Mir ist das super unangenehm, aber ich weiß einfach nicht, an wen ich mich wenden soll. Ich (w16) habe extreme Körperbehaarung und das halt auch wirklich überall und schon seit ich ein Kind bin. Also wirklich wie ein Mann.. Und die Haare sind auch dunkel und lang und dick. Ich bin schon mal zu einer Frauenärztin gegangen und habe dort mein Blut testen lassen, aber ich habe keine Rückmeldung bekommen, was wohl bedeutet, dass da alles stimmt. Mit Lasern hab ich es schon probiert, hat nichts/kaum was gebracht. Bei meiner Mutter ist das (glaube ich) nicht so extrem. Weiß jemand, was der Grund dafür sein könnte und was man dagegen machen kann? Und ist das normal?

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7 months ago

Hello! What you write is rare, but it is also “normal”. I’m a friend of mine. And there are still cases where neither laser nor other methods can bring a satisfactory solution…

It’s a good thing that your female doctor didn’t try to get you the pill. If your hair is really so strong and the predisposition has existed since you are a child, then the pill will probably not be able to help (there are forms of predisposition that have nothing to do with the hormones). Rather, I would recommend you to permanently presume the pill and hormonal contraception in general, as in girls/women with such a strong body hair, the hormone balance is often very sensitive and comes from balance particularly easily through the pill. What can later lead, for example, to cycle disorders or irreversible hair loss at the head (as stated, as a secondary and post-effect of the pill).

My coward managed to get friends with her hair and accept her. This made her much better. The pressure of suffering arises to a large extent in the mind and it has a lot to do with the fact that people who treat one without respect are given too high a value in their lives. If you manage to distance yourself from them emotionally, then the pressure of suffering can also be…

I don’t know if this is a question for you, but it’s at least one way.

8 months ago

Maybe you should go back to a skin doctor and have you examined. Or ask your family doctor

8 months ago

Hirsutism, can have hormonal causes. Did you ask the doctor again about the blood check? If there’s no danger of life, they don’t necessarily report on themselves. It’s also funny that lasering didn’t help – it takes several applications to make nix grow. Let the female doctor check your hormones.

8 months ago

Go to other doctors to rule out a hormone disorder. This is definitely not normal. Maybe other blood values can help.

Furthermore, female physician or dermatologist.

8 months ago
Reply to  Totenprinz

No, she’s not. Your comment is gross.

8 months ago
Reply to  melia892


8 months ago

Okay, thanks.

8 months ago

Yeah, you’re right. I’ll change it up.

8 months ago

Okay. But this is not disgusting but perhaps unnormal or uninhabited. No need to insult people. There’s no one here

8 months ago

But not “extreme” because then something doesn’t fit…

8 months ago

Body hair is natural