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There are quite cases in which the child does not come to the calculated day. A few days later, but normally, it’s not a problem. Pregnancy is monitored by doctors, the doctor decides when the child needs to be taken.
If the child does not want to get out at all, if the doctor considers it necessary to initiate the birth.
But it may be that the child must be taken weeks before the scheduled date for medical reasons.
About the end of the 41. SSW is starting birth.
Yes, but much more rare than early births.
A newborn is considered to be “transmitting” if it is after 42. SSW was released.
Depending on the degree of exceeding the calculated date of birth, two possible risks arise:
In the case of sufficient reserve capacity of the placenta, further growth of the fetus may develop a macrosomie with potential complications during birth for mother and child.
If, on the other hand, the reserves of the placenta are not sufficient, an intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) with e.g. T. irreversible consequences to intrauterine fruit death.
This is why the DGGG (German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics) formulates in its guidelines, when the deadline is exceeded, an introduction from 41+0 SSWand recommended from 41+3 SSW. For a transfer (from 42+0 SSW), an introduction or an imperial cut should be made.
Happy for you!
Sure. My two were 10 days on schedule and had to be “taken” because they didn’t want to get out of their own.
Sonemann was then also “overweight” with 4.2 kg and was under observation therefore.
What do you mean? Yes, there are children born after ET or at whom the birth must be initiated.
yes was 5 days too late
Sure. Some don’t want to get out of here voluntarily, they’ll get back.