Extreme Flugangst panikatacke?

Hey leute

ich werde in 3 tagen fliegen und habe extreme Flugangst sogar wenn ich daran denke muss ich fast weinen. Ich habe angst das ich da sitze und aufeinmal doch raus möchte bevor der flieger startet. Habt ihr irgentwelche starke beruhigungsmittel zu empfehlen?

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1 year ago


Ever heard of aircraft being the safest means of transport in the world? In 2022, 158 people died by accidents by planes. On the other hand, in the year 2022 474 cyclists have died in traffic and more than 1.35 million have died throughout the world. People by road accidents. If you’re afraid to get into a plane, you shouldn’t even go to the front door. Coconuts from palms have killed 150 people last year – 8 less than by plane.

1 year ago

The best calming is a companion or generally not to fly alone. That you always have someone next to you who catches you if you’re close to getting out of fear.

I had a little bamboo before flying, because I haven’t flew for a long time. But when I sat on the plane, the plane rolled on the runway and lifted off, that was such a great feeling and fascinating. I was most afraid of the start and landings.

But that a tons heavy aircraft manages to fly into the air and bring people across long distances to another place is simply phenomenal.

So don’t worry, you’ll see it’ll go out well. The plane is not for nothing the safest means of transport.

After all, you can write how the flight was and send holiday greetings. 😄✈

1 year ago

Let it go with sedatives. Enjoy the flight there is hardly anything more beautiful than flying. And you don’t need to be afraid. You should be ca. Fly twice a day for 5,000 years to be statistically with an abortion when you die. The plane is by far the safest means of transport. Most fatal accidents happen in the household. And are you crying every day because you’re home to you?

7 months ago

Hey, how’s it going? It’s similar to me. It is not about the height or the fear that the plane will crash, but also this “if I want to get out, I cannot”. It helps me think that I imagine the plane is like a home. I have my “bed”, a toilet (where you can pull back), eat etc. Otherwise I always have gums, valerian, stress balls. Everything that calms me down. And the more often you fly, the easier it gets.

1 year ago

Magnesium can help with anxiety and stress.

1 year ago

You might have taken care of yourself before booking your flight. With a therapy.

Think of your fear. Ask yourself what you’re afraid of and how likely it is that your horror scenario is coming.

1 year ago

Cancel the ticket and travel by train.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nelson100

Folds out if you want to Madeira or Sri Lanka or just to Australia