Extreme Angst vor der Zukunft?
Was tut man wenn man extreme Angst vor der Zukunft hat wegen unerklärten chronischen Symptomen, und weil die einem sehr einschränken ein vernünftiger Beruf nachzugehen, sodass man nicht viel möglichkeiten und Geld hat?
Ausserdem, selbst mit einer vernünftigen Ausbildung und Beruf wird es immer schwerer gut zu leben, und ein Haus zu leisten, und ein Leben lang in Armut will ich nicht, aber ich hab wohl keine Wahl.
Und nicht jeder kann Arzt werden, oder Jurist, oder sonstige Hochtrabende berufe. Aber sollte man mit einer Ausbildung nicht auch ein gutes Leben haben?
Oder sollten nur Ärzte und leuten mit lukrativen Akademikerberufe gute leben haben? Sind meine Zukunftsängste berechtigt?
1, Go to the doctor with your symptoms,
Two. Sleep at least 7h a day, listen to playing games, have a balanced diet, start training (do not want to do this)
3. Stop smoking or drinking when you do that
4. financier the first one apartment, real estate can still be purchased cheaply abroad
Five. If you’re training, you should go to IT or craftsmen if you want to make money. They’re always looking.
6. You can also live a good life without excessive consumption
without specialized long-term study, nix will earn more today.
As a craftsman, you can do that if you want to earn more.
Do you know Long Covid?
Motivation to stop your education, to regain or study an increased degree of education, motivation to change your training place, to something better paid, etc.? Do you think weep here?
Motivation for what? Motivation alone doesn’t bring anything.
You don’t want to live life in dirt, isn’t that motivation enough?
If you are interested in it and are extremely talented, otherwise not.
Yes, there’s a lot in the arsenal right now, because wage progression is not with inflation and cost increase. But poverty isn’t the case for a long time with €2000 net a month…
What else is normal training?
A lot if you consider the alternative…
I believe professional success is generally not possible with long covid.
Sure, but you’re laughing that it obviously needs academic education to have a “good job” which has led me to the conclusion that such a way is not in question for you. An alternative is therefore the complete absence of vocational education.
Isn’t studying better?
There would be the first and most important time to let the cause of the symptoms clarify, and then you can see on!
“Or should only doctors and people with lucrative academic professions have good life?”
With what reason?
Nene fits, I find good. Mach ne Solid training, ReFa ode control compartment, FiBu, this is quite nice. You deserve good money and are in an important role.