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7 months ago

You have a distorted self-perception and this is a psychological disorder that can end in a magnificence with a fatal course! Immediately find professional psychological help! This is only the reverse for men. There it is called Adonis complex. I know a bodybuilder when he started training, there he was 70kg and wanted to be 80kg. When he was 80kg, he continued to feel slimy and wanted to be 90kg. With 90kg the same problem and he wanted to be 100kg. Today he is a mountain of muscles with 110kg but when he looks in the mirror, he still sees only a thin and slim man there.

Do you understand me?

7 months ago

Don’t trust me to eat

But you trust to get serious health damage. Yeah.

Yes, quite normal and by no means an indication of a disease.

/sarcasm off

7 months ago

Eat, Mamamia…