Extrem Lichtempfindliche Augen?


Mir ist bereits vor ein paar Wochen aufgefallen, dass wenn ich aus einem “normal” beleuchtetem Raum raus gehe fast nicht meine Augen aufhalten kann, da ich es viel zu hell finde.

Auch meine Kollegen hab ich gefragt, ob die das genau so empfinden, allerdings meinen die ich dass die das gar nicht haben.

Gerade (am 30 Grad Tag) lag ich in der Sonne. Ich hatte eine Sonnenbrille auf und meine Augen geschlossen. Trotzdem konnte ich mich nicht entspannen und musste die ganze meine Augen zukneifen weil es überhaupt nicht auszuhalten war.

Es hilt nur wenn ich irgendwie ein Top oder eine Socke auf meine geschlossen Augen lege.

Habe überigens grüne Augen.

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2 years ago

Please find an ophthalmologist as soon as possible (can take a few months to the date at the moment). Such an extreme light sensitivity is not normal and must be clarified. Grey or green star may be present, but even more serious eye diseases may be associated with such symptoms. No matter what it is, there should be a diagnosis.

Are you wearing cheap sunglasses or really good by the optician? There are quite a lot of sunglasses that are dark, but don’t protect the eyes a bit. On the contrary, they hurt the eyes. You shouldn’t save it in the wrong place.

Do you possibly take medicines (especially psychopharmacists)? There are many medicines that limit visuality. Now in summer it is also important that you drink a lot and train your eyes several times a day. This means… not looking all day towards television or smartphone, but looking consciously in all directions every hour without turning the head there (logically only in the field of view).

It would also be possible that you do not form sufficient tear fluid. There is bright light particularly unpleasant.

Whatever it is… there can be no diagnosis here at GutFrage. Therefore, you should really take care of an appointment with the ophthalmologist. Remember… the waiting times are immense.

I wish you all good

2 years ago

Time to visit the ophthalmologist.

2 years ago

Don’t worry about the gray star, that’s very unlikely at your age. Some people react more sensitively than others to light loss due to genetic determination of retina cells.

Of course, there are also a number of other causes that could be considered, especially if the symptoms do not last so long.

Visiting the ophthalmologist would make sense. Changes in the corneal and retina are conceivable as well as other deeper neurological causes that affect the optic nerves directly or central structures.

Please contact us.


2 years ago

Maybe you should let an ophthalmologist examine you and take advice. Unfortunately, you will only be given the correct answer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hannah0356

Because you’re not sure, you should be a doctor all the more.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonym12345163

Your answer is correct.

2 years ago

How old are you?

Extreme light sensitivity was the pre-botage of the gray star.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hannah0356

At your age, the gray star is very rare. A visit to the ophthalmologist would still not hurt.

2 years ago

Okay, my ophthalmologist said I was still quite young for the gray star because the average age in this country is 70 years.

2 years ago

No, gray star in young years is not rare. On the contrary. Especially in the youngest, this disease often occurs. In Africa, hundreds of children are operated daily and thus the vision is reproduced to them.

Grey Star in the Child • Causes & Treatment (lifeline.de)