Externe Festplatte via LAN?

Hallo, ich brauche mehr Speicherplatz auf welchen ich schnell zugreifen kann und der eine schnelle Datenübertragungsrate liefert. Da ich am Mainboard einen 1Gbit und 2.5Gbit LAN Anschluss habe, habe ich gedacht, dass ich eine SSD in eine art NAS System stecken kann. Dieses braucht keine Verbindung zum Internet und soll nur per LAN Kabel bei meinem 2.5Gbit Anschluss angesteckt werden. 1. Funktioniert das? 2.Ist das überhaupt schnell? 3.Gibt es vielleicht besser Möglichkeiten?

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2 years ago

Depends on what you’re up to, so what you’re doing with it. I’m just referring to point 3 with some alternatives.

  1. You can buy a USB3 hub that has its own power supply. Then you can hang more disks/sticks. Do not have SSD that I can test at the hub, but an external USB3-HDD & a 256GB USB3 stick. The stick comes to ~420MB/s while reading & ~110MB/s when writing. The HDD on ~100MB/s, Read & Write.
  2. A cloud. I myself use OneDrive from Microsoft. There you can view the complete content in the Explorer and then Sync only what you need. It also works to use files “OnDemand”. So if a program wants to access a file stored only in the cloud, it will be downloaded. You can also stream media content from there. Have now saved whole programs in the cloud, which as soon as I want to open them. Of course, your Internet speed is to be taken into account in this solution. Got a 300Mbit line, making a 150MB program open after ~5 seconds.
  3. And, of course, just make bigger internal SSDs.
2 years ago


1. yes works

2. comes to the NAS

3. I don’t know now

2 years ago
Reply to  iEdik

3. I don’t know now

Well, if it’s so much about performance, then, “No NAS.”
Then at least a USB “SuperSpeed” device or better – or directly an NVME-SSD – possibly on PCIe card.

2 years ago
Reply to  mchawk777

I was thinking about NDAS, but it is not recommended.

2 years ago

I still have such a case IOCELL da 🤷 ♀️ ..I don’t get rid of..I prefer to use as an external USB HDD case.because it’s under linux ne qual NDAS there, I prefer to use usb 3.0 as an external one.

2 years ago

Oh yes – they gave it (giving?) too.
I even had such a device – which I had quickly disposed of. 😅

2 years ago

You only need to go through the network if you want to access the memory from multiple devices at the same time.

2.5 Gbit/s are still slow even for SATA SSDs, so it falls out of speed. For comparison – USB 3.0 has 5 Gbit/s and SATA-3 has 6 Gbit/s.

If you want cheap fast storage, buy a 960 GB or 1 TB SSD from Intenso or Crucial/Micron and install it internally into your PC.