Exteren Festplatte partitionieren ohne formatieren?

Wie ist es möglich eine externe Festplatte, auf der ein Mac OSx ist zu Partitionieren ohne das Betriebssystem zu verlieren?

Ich würde gerne ein weiteres Mac OSx auf der Festplatte zu laufen bekommen.

Anschließend möchte ich dann beim Booten OSx 1 oder 2 auswählen.

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2 years ago

It is possible to partition an external hard drive used with Mac OSX without losing the operating system. However, it is important that you carefully prep during partitioning to minimize the risk of data loss.

To partition an external hard drive on Mac OSX without losing the operating system, you can use Mac OSX’s Disk Utility application. Follow these steps to partition the hard drive:

  1. Connect the external hard drive to your Mac and restart the computer.
  2. Select “Utilities” in the Start menu of Mac OSX and then “File Disk Service”.
  3. In the left sidebar, select the external hard drive on which you want to create the partition.
  4. Click the Split button in the upper menu bar.
  5. In the Create Partition dialog box, enter the name, format and size of the new partition. Make sure that the size of the new partition is not greater than the available free space on the external hard drive.
  6. Click Create and wait until partitioning is completed.
  7. Once partitioning is completed, you can start the Mac OSX external hard drive and install the second operating system.