Explosion unserer Erde: möglich?

Stellt euch vor….du läufst gerade zur Arbeit…jemand jätet im Garten…..jemand duscht gerade…… jemand schläft….

Die Menschheit lebt wie gewohnt ihren Alltag……dann….BÄÄÄMMMMM!!!

ALLES, wirklich alles, was sich auf unserem Planeten befindet, wird in einer Sekunde komplett in den Weltall geschossen! Alles Lebewesen ist sofort tot!

Was ist passiert?

Die Erde ist explodiert. Und zwar von innen heraus. Eine gigantische, eine unvorstellbar gigantische Explosion hat die Erde vollständig auseinander gerissen, so dass alles im Weltall zerstreut ist!!

Wäre das jemals möglich?

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1 year ago

That would be a divine comedy.

1 year ago

So under certain circumstances this is actually possible that the earth could implicit, iron grade also liquid iron can explode under enormous pressure. There was also an attempt where liquid iron was a kind of base around the iron as an outer shell and water in a magnetic field of 2200 Tesla, although our earth has just 50mikotesla. And there has actually been an explosion based on this model.

So imagine our magnetic field from the first, as demonstrated by dying planets, a strength of 20000 to 30000 Tesla is generated and pulls into itself after that process is finished this strength disappears and it comes to the explosion. You don’t need anything to merge.

Should it come to such an event, since certainly we would get really zero because we would be dead immediately.

1 year ago

At least we don’t get our death.

1 year ago

The Earth has exploded. From the inside. A gigantic, an unimaginable gigantic explosion has completely torn apart the Earth so that everything is scattered in space!!

No chance.

There is nothing on/in the earth that could trigger such an explosion and nothing that could serve as an explosive material to separate all matter from gravity.

By the way, there are other planets.

Even in the case of stars where the gravity forces are sufficient to ignite nuclear fusions, a “partially flying apart” does not take place. Clearly, the gas ball is pushed apart from the nuclear fusion, i.e. the volume increases – but it remains on the piece.

1 year ago

How is that supposed to work?

The core consists of liquid iron and nickel, the shell only consists of rock layers and the crust of organic material and oceans.

None of this could trigger such a reaction, none of these materials fused, and no gases are produced inside, which could accumulate somewhere, as there are neither cavities nor air inclusions under this pressure.

An explosion is exothermic and cannot take place without starting material.

Before that, the sun will swallow the earth in a few billion years.

1 year ago
Reply to  M4RC3LL0

Before that, the sun will swallow the earth in a few billion years.

She won’t.

Only Mercury and Venus are swallowed. Shortly after Venus ends the expansion. The earth remains untouched.

1 year ago
Reply to  MagisterSamael

The earth remains untouched.

That’s bullshit! The earth will not remain untouched. She’ll burn!


1 year ago
Reply to  MagisterSamael

But it becomes uninhabitable

1 year ago

I guess it was.

1 year ago

A lot more can happen in the time period.

Our sun is not as peaceful as you mean. A moderate eruption towards Earth and then it was already now.

Then there is also the danger of hiking planets or meteorites.

The universe has enough ways to eradicate us now

1 year ago

I mean, before it’s ready, she’s probably lost the atmosphere. Except for earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, tsunamis…

1 year ago

I think I’m missing the means to express it even more simple.

I try again: The statement “The Earth remains untouched” refers to the immediate statement “The Earth is swallowed by the expansion”.

It remains untouched by the expansion itself, so: it is not swallowed.

I didn’t make any other statement. You may draw the wrong conclusions on the basis of a misinterpretation or a false analogistic view.

1 year ago

Analogisms do not seem to be your strength.

And factually speaking is obviously not one of your strengths…

But also try to explain with understandable words.

If you write the earth remains untouched, it is in fact wrong. Because burn is not untouched!

1 year ago


At the latest due to the energy loss after the expansion and the shrinking of the sun, it is no longer an energy richness to keep the earth habitable.

1 year ago

The earth will not remain untouched. She’ll burn!

Analogisms do not seem to be your strength.

I try it more simple: The earth remains untouched by the expansion of the sun itself, that is, it will not swallow as it is with Mercury and Venus.

I did not relate to immediate effects associated with the expansion. It’s a disgust on your part.

1 year ago

What exactly are you going to explode in the ground? The core consists mainly of iron. Iron can’t just explode.

1 year ago

In my view, there was a need for some reason to do so. External comes (construction of a hyperspace bypass road of the Vorgonen, for example – hit at Douglas Adams :D). From the inside, large-area destruction can occur, which are able to trigger mass extinction (Explosion of the Siberian Trapp 252 million years ago) – but an internal process that is capable of completely tearing the earth, there is not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Janaki


1 year ago

Science doesn’t know everything yet, but I don’t know why the Earth should explode “from inside”. I think this is extremely unlikely.

I think it can come to other natural disasters, volcanic eruptions etc., which then e.g. erase a large part of life.

I believe that an event that destroys all life on Earth and Earth as such should come from the outside. Huge meteorite, for example There is also the theory of “false vacuum decay”. This is a theory in which our universe is assumed to be in a metastable state, i.e. there may be a more stable state. Our universe would now move into a more stable state. What would completely change our entire universe, as the physical laws could completely change, which could simply erase us from one to the other second without which we notice.

You can read here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum_decay

1 year ago
Reply to  Invictu520

I’m glad you know all that science knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bajor

I’m glad you know all that science knows.

I didn’t say anything.

I know relatively little of what science knows. But you haven’t figured out anything yet. Say my testimony is not wrong.

1 year ago

While we have the necessary nuclear capacity on Earth to eradicate all life, this is not enough as you describe here.

Let me guess! The idea you have from the movie or novel “Per Anhalter quer durch die Galaxis” I mean, if the Earth itself has the collision with Teja we say “surpassed”. I just didn’t think of anything she would powder like you to write here.

Lg, Anna

1 year ago

Although we have an approximate idea of how our planet is in the core, we still know only roughly how it works – it would be different, for example, we could predict volcanic eruptions much more accurately.

But: After everything we know today or believe to know, such a scenario is actually excluded, but never say.

1 year ago

Not even a meteorite or planetary impact of this size is realistic that one would see before, but may not stop

1 year ago

When a heavenly body of the size of the moon strikes the earth.

1 year ago

Then the earth would not explode from the inside, but only break. On the fragments, life would be theoretically possible for a few hours or days before they probably approach the sun.

1 year ago

I don’t think it’s gonna happen now haha. Except the death star shoots on earth

1 year ago

Planets don’t explode. Complete nonsense, too many funny SciFi movies watched…

1 year ago

I don’t think it’s possible that the Earth explodes from inside

1 year ago

I’ve experienced so much in my life that I think this is possible.

KRAWOOOOM. End terrain. From the mouse. Layer in the shaft. 😐🤷

1 year ago

This is beautiful and desirable.

1 year ago

… I don’t care, because I’m sure it would affect ALL.

1 year ago

I don’t think anything is impossible in this world. 😊

1 year ago

Maybe yes, but very unlikely. The impact of a celestial body is conceivable, but not to be expected in the next time.

1 year ago

Not so fast, not from inside and probably not so totally

1 year ago

At the latest when the first atomic bombs fall, we all die. Everything is not so unrealistic anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  SweetChantal


Over 300 atomic bombs have been fired and we are all still alive.

German fear of radiation!

1 year ago
Reply to  Honigpflanze

These were tests carried out in certain regions under semi-controlled conditions. Many of them also underground. This is not comparable. If you want a semi-realistic picture, look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the damages that have arisen and the consequences that partially affect to this day.

1 year ago

where should the energy come from?

1 year ago

Yes, it is possible. If there was a supernova around 60 light years to Earth, it would seem bad for us…


1 year ago
Reply to  peace87

The Earth has exploded. From the inside


1 year ago
Reply to  MagisterSamael

At “Bäääämmm” I stopped reading…

1 year ago

You didn’t know to decide.

I still answer the question! Because it would be possible. Just don’t stop from inside but through a supernova!

But you can write your own answer and answer the questioner from your point of view!

1 year ago

Then you should have stopped to answer the question.

There is a difference between “I have to contribute something” and “I can contribute something”.

1 year ago

We have the heavens and the earth and what in between is only created in truth. Certainly, the hour will arrive. It’s so nice to see you. (15:85)

“One of the signs of the hour is that the (divine) knowledge disappears, the ignorance prevails, the alcohol is usually drunk and the unbreeding (Zina) becomes obvious. ‘

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Buḫārī, Chapter 3, Ḥadīṯ-Nr. 80

1 year ago

“the alcohol usually drank “prost !!

1 year ago
Reply to  RubMon

What a sinner.