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6 months ago

There are languages that use suffixes (or prefixes) rather than “and”. However, there is (as an alternative) also in Latin,

Senatus Populusque Romanus

The -que is attached, but you could have expressed the same with “et” or “atque”. And so similar are some indigenous languages.
Niwch (Island Sachalin, East Russia) constructed quite similar

p’atik-xe p’nanak-xe

Brother (atik) and sister (nanak) (also with prefix p’-)

Also Finnish can attach something with the ending -kin (instead of “yes” = “and”).

tänne ma toivon skinanikin

(here my hope and my grave)

In Finnish there are (as in Latin) both possibilities (also “ja hautani” would go). Whether there are completely “conjunction-free” languages, I cannot say now, but some seem to use suffixes (or know both ways).

6 months ago


6 months ago

Sorry, you’re right.

A language without connecting words is unknown to me.