Excel MONTH function?
I need the MONTH() function as a condition for a SUMIFS() function. However, it seems that this doesn't apply to an entire column (e.g., MONTH(Table1!A:A)), but only to a single cell. I would need to create a helper column that already contains the calculated values for this to work. It absolutely has to work without a helper column.
Is there any way?
Can be that I somehow misunderstand the question, but the MONAT function is matrix-fit. If you feed them with multiple values, several values will also come out. However, I have not managed to establish a criterion such as “WENN(MONAT(A2:A12)<=MONAT(D2)" with the SUMMEWENNS function. With the filter function it is easy to build:
If the function MONAT() of Excel not belongs to the functions for which a matrix evaluation is forced, then that should work:
German function names:
in the cell.
But the problem is that I have a SUMMEWENNS function in the middle of the comparison should be made between a month that can be selected by dropdown and months in an invoice date. So if I choose March, all values that are <= March are to be added
Now you come with something that you originally did not run into your question and I do not understand here as described in the comment. Sorry, I answered your question and I don’t like the way to look after an answer. Bye.
What do you expect to answer when the monthly command is applied to a whole column? There’s a whole column coming out. However, the formula applies only to one cell. Therefore, it is to be expected that the input must also be a single value and no column.
The MONAT function should only serve as a condition by in the SUMMEWENNS function 2. Conditions are examined.
I must correct: if I remove the formula MONAT(Table1!A:A) that refers to column A where a date is in the format 01.01.2024, and replace it by table1!B:B in the format already formatted The value of the month in it works the SUMMEWENNS formula. The MONAT() formula can therefore seem to not compare an entire column.
A window in which the classic message is displayed is an error:
With this formula there is a problem.
You don’t want to enter a formula?
If the first sign is a equality sign (=) or minus sign(-), Excel will hold your EIngabe for a formula: