EXCEl Formel Zeile markieren, wenn der wert größer ist?

Ich habe eine Tabelle und möchte das die Zeilen in J grün markiert werden, wenn in spalte I der wert größer ist, falls der wert in I kleiner ist, soll sie rot markiert werden.

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1 year ago

I think you hate a little mistake of thinking the Conditional Formatting always works line-by-line if you don’t change it.

You can mark the entire column J without having to touch each line individually.

1 year ago

with conditional formatting, but I would have to click each line individually and the column has 3,000 lines

You can try to transfer the format (including conditional formatting) to the other cells using the brush tool.


Replace the table under “File” → “Options” → “Formula” → “Work with Formulas” to “Z1S1 Reference Type”.

Then use as a rule for conditional formatting:

Formatting only cells that contain

Formatting only cells with:

Cell value | less than and Exceeding 1 % | =ZS(-1)