EXCEl Formel Zeile markieren, wenn der wert größer ist?
Ich habe eine Tabelle und möchte das die Zeilen in J grün markiert werden, wenn in spalte I der wert größer ist, falls der wert in I kleiner ist, soll sie rot markiert werden.
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I think you hate a little mistake of thinking the Conditional Formatting always works line-by-line if you don’t change it.
You can mark the entire column J without having to touch each line individually.
You can try to transfer the format (including conditional formatting) to the other cells using the brush tool.
Replace the table under “File” → “Options” → “Formula” → “Work with Formulas” to “Z1S1 Reference Type”.
Then use as a rule for conditional formatting:
Formatting only cells that contain →
Formatting only cells with:
Cell value | less than and Exceeding 1 % | =ZS(-1)