Examen Jura nicht bestanden?
Hallo, mein Freund ist heute durch sein 2 Staatsexamen in Jura durchgefallen. Er ist total fertig, weil er so viel gelernt hat und immer sehr gut bei den Vorbereitungen war.. Ich weiß nicht wie ich ihm helfen kann, weil er einfach nicht darauf klar kommt. Kennt sich jemand mit sowas sowas aus?
If it was the first attempt, he would have another attempt. Then he should definitely perceive it! I’ve also read that there is the possibility of a “testing” which is only evaluated when you pass. This would have a total of 3 attempts. Otherwise, it’s only two in Jura. What naturally increases psychological pressure enormously.
But now it is necessary to digest the matter! It may take a few days. I’d leave your friend alone today and tomorrow. Unless he has the need to talk.
Jupp, my wife was a little nervous about her, but if you’re the first one, you’re usually the second one. It doesn’t make any difference if it falls or exists without a predicate – the job market is bad. 😉
Jupp, much pusten can help. Otherwise, he might have tried. Only with first state exams is he either secretary or taxi driver. He could still retrieve the second in Luxembourg or Switzerland and then lead a great life there.
More than blowing helps: visit repititorium or learn better!
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