Ex weigert sich zu bestätigen, dass Kontakt mit dem Kind besteht?
Hallo. Die Ausländerbehörde benötigt alle paar Jahre eine Bestätigung der Mutter, dass Vater X regelmäßigen Kontakt mit der gemeinsamen Tochter Y hat und seine Pflichten als Vater wahrnimmt. Sie wolle zukünftig diesen “Scheiss” nicht ausfüllen. Wie geht Vater X zukünftig vor. Wie kann er der Behörde den Kontakt und Fürsorge bestätigen?
Make proof photos with child
Screens make of WhatsApp dialogs
No one can commit them. the kv must not be present in Germany. he can also do that from outside. the question for the stay is whether he has sorjust
He fills it out and submits it to his ex for signature. Where’s the problem?
The problem is she doesn’t want to have anything to do with it. With forms concerning the father…
She didn’t, she just had to sign. It’s about the child, not about her😶
she has to keep contact to vater. all queries can be directed to their postbox. she doesn’t have to talk to him, sign him nix and not talk to him. there is no reason. that does not hurt the child’s good as long as it allows the circumvent. more is not required by it
If she permanently denies contact with the recognized papal father, it is questioned why. If it turns out that she violates the welfare of the child, it is entirely within the scope of the possible.
as always, you’re wrong. neither does it have to keep too kv contact nor confirm or sign anything for it. you will not take the child away because she has not beaten or abused it. you’re talking stupid stuff.
It’s about the child, not about her. If she’s still stubborn, her child can be taken away. Then she’d be guilty.
it must not be signed. he must remember others.
If the mother blew, there may be reasons for it, it would be useful to turn on a lawyer.
the lawyer can make nix
That’s what’s going on…
he only needs the common sorjust and he can get to court at any time. If he doesn’t, he’s got bad cards. especially if she has no desire to deal with him and contact is not existent. she has to confirm and sign nix.
Without custody or education, your statement applies.
the attempt fails as he does not come before the court. 🙂 in addition, such a note would help him for his retired nix. he can be deported at any time, as he does not have to live in Germany for the time being.