EX Amphetamin Abhängigkeit – eine line Ziehen = direkt wieder in der Sucht oder könnte ich es kontrollieren?

Also ich war ne lange Zeit Amphe (Speed anhängig) bin nun seit 6! fast 7 Monaten clean. Aber ich hab mein Rückfall schon geplant, weil ich keinen Willen mehr habe, verlangen & Erinnerungen und Glücksgefühle bei dran denken zu stark sind und zu viel Stress, Probleme, psychische Erkrankungen, etc.. habe..

meine Frage jz: wenn ich wieder ne line zieh, nur EINE line.. bin ich dann DIREKT wieder in der Sucht drin und am abstürzen? Oder könnte es sein, dass ich es kontrollieren kann/könnte??

danke schonmal!

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2 years ago

You never came out of the addiction – once addicted, always addicted. You can learn to deal with your addiction, but the behavior patterns have burned in your brain and can get through by certain triggers that you slip into old behavior patterns. Only the least get a moderate response after a problematic consumption behaviour, which is why it would be more likely to be discouraged.

2 years ago


theoretical can it is going well, but I do not want to take the other answer because the likelihood of a relapse is much higher.

But that’s completely up to you, you can’t know that because the dependency potential is different for each person, but it’s very likely that you’ll get back with this one line, well, you’ll actually be with this one line, but you know what I mean.

I’d recommend letting it go, Speed is the devil’s witness.


2 years ago
Reply to  useruser6820

You’re talking now! You don’t want any other warnings at all, you want the confirmation that you can do it!

But it is and remains Russian roulette!

Don’t say it’s not a warning!

2 years ago

I agree, just as it comes over

2 years ago

Become in therapy if you haven’t started it yet or, at the moments where it really gets bad, call a addiction consultancy or a worries phone. There are many other possibilities! <=3

2 years ago

It is better to talk to your doctor and tell you that you lack the feelings of happiness and that you currently have a strong desire for it. There are certainly also completely legal and unobtrusive alternatives for you in this respect. Please remain steadfast. I’ll print you the thumbs.

2 years ago

You should know that….

2 years ago

So I was a long time Amphe (Speed pending) has been clean for 6! almost 7 months. But I have already planned my fallback because I have no more will, demand & memories and feelings of happiness are too strong and have too much stress, problems, mental illnesses, etc..

you are still addicted

when you start again, it will not stay at once, but you will take regularly drugs again and then the whole withdrawal and the discipline until now for free

you have no therapist?

2 years ago

Just let it be happy if you get out of the addiction!

(I know how much misery is related to it!)

2 years ago
Reply to  useruser6820

Find help with a search advice!

2 years ago

You don’t learn!

Shame on you!

The substance seems to triumph!

sad, sad.

2 years ago

But the addiction is better?

Seems you haven’t understood it yet!

(Do not cry my ears full, I know exactly what addiction means, how it feels and what it does with one!)

2 years ago

Once there’s no one, you say.

2 years ago
Reply to  paradox1899

I wouldn’t say that at the described search pressure!

2 years ago
Reply to  paradox1899

Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous!

( especially since the dependency is already established)

2 years ago

please do not