Evolution Biologie Unterricht?


könnt ihr mit dieser Aufgabenstellung mir helfen was damit gemeint ist.

,, erklärt Rückbildung an einem Beispiel warum es keine Rückentwicklung ist. „

Das ist die Aufgabenstellung aber ich kapier nicht ganz was das ist beziehungsweise was sind gemeint ist, mir fällt auch kein Beispiel ein

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2 years ago

Sometime ago, our ancestors, like many other animals, had a tail. We have no more. Is that negative? We’ve developed further.

2 years ago
Reply to  Halfblooddemon

And also the fur! It has simply been restored because it was no longer necessary to survive. Or deep-sea fish and grotto olives, which do not have working eyes anymore, because they do not help them in complete darkness and therefore consume only meaningless resources of the body. Nevertheless, all these species have evolved and have been optimized by the re-formation of individual body properties!

2 years ago
Reply to  Halfblooddemon

In the case of the whales (acids), the hind legs have developed back as they were no longer needed.