EVENTIM Ticketbetrug?
Hey zusammen,
ich habe privat über ein Ebay Kleinanzeigen Inserat zwei Billie Eilish Tickets gekauft und danach eine E-Mail von eventim@ticketsend.de erhalten, in der stand, dass mir das Ticket von dieser Person weitergeleitet wurde.
In der Mail steht, dass es bis zu 24 Stunden dauern kann, bis die Tickets in meinem EVENTIM Konto hinterlegt werden (das ist jetzt leider schon zwei Tage her). Mein Name steht korrekt auf dem Ticket und auf der Rechnung, die ich über einen Link in der Mail herunterladen konnte.
Ich habe die Bestellnummer bei Eventim/Ticketdirect geprüft, aber es hieß, sie existiert nicht.
Jetzt bin ich verwirrt und vermute dass ich auf einen Betrug reingefallen bin.
Meine Fragen:
Kann man so eine Mail mit Rechnung und Ticket-Download überhaupt faken?
Was kann ich tun, um mein Geld zurückzubekommen?
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit Fake-Ticketweiterleitungen und kann mir Tipps geben was ich jetzt tun sollte bzw. wie ich sowas in Zukunft vermeiden kann?
Ich wäre super dankbar für jeden Ratschlag
The URL “ticketsend.de” has absolutely nothing to do with Eventim.
Sure. Take someone with Photoshop in a few minutes. With AI even in seconds.
By paying via family and friends you also have Self also criminal made.
We have two criminal acts of fraud:
By pretending false facts (you and the seller would be friends and family, which is not true) you have damaged the fortune of PayPal by paying a fee and thus § 263 StGB is fulfilled.
PayPal may also ban you forever for violation of the Terms of Use. Banks don’t like it at all if you cheat on them as you did (together with the seller).
To get your money back, you have to civil law by the seller sue, with all the courtscost pre-accession and if there’s nothing to get at the end of the scam, still sit at these costs.
Never pay for family and friends to strangers. It doesn’t mean that for free. Strangers from the internet are not your family or friends.
Never pay by bank transfer in advance.
The safest way for both sides on classifieds, Vinted & Co. is and remains Cash payment against collection.
Thank you for the detailed answer
I should nevertheless make the incident even though I have made myself punishable here myself, or would have more disadvantages for me 😅
You have to decide. I.d.R. does not refund PayPal any further ad, because the charge fraud is low and also the police are following m.W.n. that is not. The other fraud has been done with much more criminal energy. So you can report. But the ad doesn’t bring your money back, but in case of doubt it only provides for a criminal conviction. You still have to file your money civil law to get it.
Paying for pick-up is unfortunately also risky as it is a digital ticket that can be very easily faked
then on “Technical Data”…
then you know that you’ve been cheated and probably have little chance of “something”.
Sorry for the “bad news”
I suspected it, thank you:(
I would suspect that this email address you mentioned above did not belong to Eventim
No, this is a fake domain
Yes and then everyone can send you any mails with any tickets or what I know
You can write the money.
That was a really plump amount. I’m sorry to have to say that you were very naive.
Fakens can be. But usually, the scams don’t get so much effort. Just call the eventim service tomorrow.
If there are fake tickets, how can I do it?
In case of doubt, not at all. I don’t suppose you have the real contact details of the seller? So, of course, you should report it to classifieds and also make an ad to the police (this goes online), but the prospects for success are not very big.
In the case of the payment email (which had been turned into another strangely after 2 days) an image is defined by a young girl, probably be real or does not look like AI. The picture I photographed now