Eure Weihnachtsessen Tipps 2023?
Ich suche nach neuen Sachen, die ich zu Weihnachten mal ausprobieren kann.
Was festliches das auch gerne Arbeit machen darf.
Für mich allein. Also nicht für Gäste.
Vielleicht wollt ihr mir etwas aus eurem Kulturkreis empfehlen das man unbedingt mal probieren sollte?
Z.B hab ich kürzlich Syrische Süßigkeiten für mich entdeckt und Indisches Dahl.
Also liebe Österreicher, Schweizer, Griechen, Türken, Syrer, Inder, Asiaten, Afrikaner, Amerikaner, Skandinavier, Europäer, … Erzählt mir was es bei euch so gibt?
Ich komm z.B aus Sri Lanka. Wir mögen Stinghopper Nudeln mit einer Kartoffel/Kokus Souße, geratenen Reis mit Gemüse und scharfe Gewürzsuppen. Oder Thailändisches Kau Pat Pak.
Von Braten bis hin zu Gebäck dürft ihr mir gerne alles vorschlagen.
Liebe Grüße
I 🇦🇹 have made my parents that there are usually raclettes and no longer neFeinkostaufschnittplatte on 24.
What I used to like to eat is pork with speck covered in foliage and a champinion cream sauce.
Last Christmas there were only loose butterflies for me without anything and damn much annoying because I didn’t want to eat the carving because I’m such an ungrateful child and other children starve to christmas and blah blah.
I wouldn’t be if I cooked a champinionquisch with jogurtdip.
There were some nice things I didn’t know yet. Thanks for the tips.
To the argument the children are starving etc… that I know well. However, the question arises when they bring such an agment, what they do about themselves, the other children suffer hunger?
To force you to eat a scavenger certainly does not help any other child who suffers hunger.
It’s just a fume argument
But so much choice was not there
I’m the only one who didn’t talk about mushroom 😅
Thanks for the star 🌟
I gave you the star for your answer. Love
Beef fillet Wellington is considered a very high quality dish and also makes some effort.
We did it once, the mushroom sack was too wet and it tasted like soup meat.
What is that?
We always eat Miso frames with tofu and sweet. This is Asian and tastes very delicious:))
Look for something from another culture on the Internet. If you are looking for a bit, you will find excellent recipes there.
Main dishes | simple French recipes (
Authentic | Mattas Italian cuisine
The best Asian recipes | asiastreetfood
Indian food – cook Karai authentic Indian
Persian recipes: The best dishes from Iran (
Enjoy browsing :-))
Mushroom and soup meat.
Mushroom? Is that edible? 🤔
I read about my answer. Fascinating eloquent.
Do you read?
I don’t want
What simple!