Eure Phobien?
Mich würde interessieren, was so eure Phobien sind, wenn ihr welche habt.
Und könnt ihr beschreiben, wie sie sich anfühlen?
Ich habe klaustrophobien (die angst vor engen räumen). Bei mir fühlt es sich immer so an, als würde ein Druck auf mir liegen. Und die Wände kommen näher. Meistens muss ich auch hyperventilieren.
Und ich habe megalophobie (die angst vor übernormal großen dingen). Dabei habe ich auch das gefühl, dass die Gegenstände auf mich zukommen. Und mir wird schwindelig.
Und bei euch?
LG 😙
I have acrophobia. This can only keep me up to a certain extent. I get dizzy, I often imagine what happens when I fall off the high and get some death fear.
Otherwise, I would say I have a light social phobia. Especially among many (new) people I feel very uncomfortable.
I hope I could help you.
LG Markus
Thank you for telling me that! I have no fear of height, but I always imagine that if I stand at a high altitude with other people, the others, fall down. I usually think my friends or family are falling off. I hope your phobias will get drunk sometime! ☺️
I don’t think I’m going to get rid of this fear so quickly, trying to accept my limits and not trigger this fear.
LG Markus
All right, I didn’t feel attacked, quite the contrary: I’d love you to write that you’d hope that the phobias would eventually improve.
LG Markus
I’m sorry, I didn’t want to attack you
I have a social phobia I am not so happy to be in social contact with people are afraid in larger crowds because I’m just afraid that I’m embarrassed that I look strange that I’m embarrassing myself, etc. Besides, it’s very hard to talk to people even if I already know the people, but it’s not as bad as if I don’t know them that’s why I really just talk to people in a very bad emergency situation.
I hope that eventually improves
acrophobia; I’ll get sweaty hands and hyperventilate when I see it in movies. Terrible when I stand on a high platform or something.
Social phobia(vllt.); feel me mega uneohl in large crowds, get headaches etc. and then wants to hide me eif. only.
Cool you described it! I hope your phobias will soon improve
Thank you:)
Social phobia. I feel uncomfortable with unknown people, get nervous, get heartaches and sweaty hands.
Known people are usually stress for me and I need time to recover after many social contacts.
Oh, that’s what I’m thinking. I hope that will improve
Thank you.
I have many like megalophobia, coulrophobia, mutism – school phobia and trypophobia
Coulropgobie, too, I’ve forgotten to count. Clowns are creepy. Also normal.
Emetophobie, I don’t know.
Oh, my best friend, too.
Yes, it is quite limited with this fear:(