Eure Periodenstory?
Würde mich mal interessieren.
(Mit Alter wann ihr die Periode bekommen habt und wie alt ihr jetzt seit)
Würde mich mal interessieren.
(Mit Alter wann ihr die Periode bekommen habt und wie alt ihr jetzt seit)
Ich und mein Freund haben Gv meine Vagina , verträgt seinen Penis nicht , was kann man dagegen tun und was hilft.
Hallöchen, war vor 4 Wochen ca. Bei meinem Freund und hatte auch da das letzte mal GV. Seit einer Woche ca. Bin ich Mega empfindlich was Essen angeht. Also mein Magen hat Hunger aber wenn ich an bestimmtes Essen denkt wird mir Mega schlecht. Jetzt ist mir auch wieder wirklich extrem schlecht und mein Bauch…
I've had this happen to me three times now: I open my eyes a second later than usual and everything's spinning like a fairground for 30 seconds. I then have to stay in bed for another two minutes and then it's okay again. Is it because I get up too quickly? I get up five…
Ich w 17 habe seit einigen Tagen Husten mit gelbem Auswurf und schnupfen,ich würde sagen eine Bronchitis. Nun wurde mir von paar Leuten empfohlen spazieren zu gehen da das helfen kann. Stimmt das? Kann icj bei 3 Grad raus?
Ich hab letztens blutabnehmen lassen und es wurde ganz viel getestet über 50 Sachen auf 3 Seiten und alles war in guten Bereich. Das ist so gut wie nie häufig der Fall meinte der Arzt. Wie kommt das? Ich meine ich esse jetzt kein Müll aber auch nicht krass gesund. Im Gegenteil viel Fleisch wenig…
I was 12 and then with my grandma on the way to a salt grotto that read the visitors free of charge.
Even when I was driving, I had some slight cramps.
I had to go to the toilet before entering the actual salt grotto (because I realized I got diarrhea, this was with me a symptom of the period) and therefore I am on the guest toilet. There I looked like usual in my slip and saw some blood on it. I knew what that was and my brain immediately told me, “You have your period”
I then tried to spit it a little and put toilet paper in the slip. My grandmother, who wondered where I stayed, knocked on the door and asked if everything was okay. I only replied, “I’ll be right” that I did. She stood at the front of the checkout where the owner of the salt grotto sat behind the registration, but I didn’t care so I went to my grandma and said: “I got a problem” and replied to her requests with “I got my days” the owner only looked at me somewhat confused and asked my grandma what to do now and whether I had nothing else to do (I always had something but not exactly on the day).
We are then to a pharmacy that had only tampons and so we have to ask a postman where the next supermarket was (we did not know each other in the area)
Finally, we bought bandages and went to a café that had toilets. I then got another ice cream from my grandma and we’re back to the salt grotto and then we can finally make our actual project there.
My grandma told my mother. My mother didn’t squeeze me any more because she knew I’d get it.
Was a bit of chaotic, I know, but the day was also just plagued by obstacles. After that, we went to a museum and there I lost my then keyboard handy 🤦🏼 ♀️
Yes, there are better days to get the first period, but then everything worked and swung somehow.
Beautiful day still ☺️
I’ve never done anything wrong, but well listen to me:
So I had my days. I was at school and stuff. In any case, we should not go to the toilet during the hours because the idiots from the lower floor have torn the toilet door (is completely normal in our school, not wondering). And I urgently had to change my tie. We had 2 teachers in class, a teacher and a teacher. Of course I went to the teacher because otherwise it would be embarrassing. I told her and then the bad thing happened. She spoke extra loud that everyone could hear it and said, “You have your days? Is it really urgent? Daniel is allowed to go Daniel is the teacher? Yes go next time you have to change your bandage during the break.” I MY WTF WHAT I WHAT DO NOT THREE?
I was at the time 13. I was at school and we had as a topic of sexuality. We just had a five minute break and I went to the bathroom. Then I suddenly saw the blood. It was the first time.
I was wondering, even because it was on the subject.
A year later at 14, she came regularly and now I have them for over a year.
I’m 15.
I got my period for the first time with 11 years in summer vacation. I just wanted to go swimming, but I was in the bathroom before and I noticed that blood is in my bikini pants. Joa, I went swimming with Tampon. 13.