Eure Nummer 1 Lieblingsserie und warum?

Was ist eure top 1 Lieblingsserie und warum?

Was überzeugt euch und was findet ihr faszinierend?

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5 months ago

Final Space.

The series gets it from the beginning to the end to be humorous and stupid without the story being dragged into the dark.

It is simply an absolutely fantastic science fiction story, with twisted but comprehensible elements.

The characters are also extremely well described. Everyone is an individual, everyone develops. And all developments are comprehensible.

The length is also perfect. It’s not just a movie long, but also no endless story.

A real pearl of the 21st century. For Scy Fy fans she has actually become a duty.

5 months ago


The history of ancient Rome, gladiators, etc. has always interested me.

5 months ago

“Spaceship Enterprise next century”

And “24” I liked as an action series with Jack Bauer.

Yes, both older series are due to the fact that I haven’t seen television for more than 10 years. I haven’t got a TV for a long time. If I want to see something about it, I’ll look at it at the Pc, but even at the Pc I don’t look at movies.

I prefer to stop here or play online games.

5 months ago

Doctor Who!!!!

She’s so funny, dramatic, but also emotional. There are heights and depths. The doctor is an alien from another planet, but looks like a human being. He meets his companions on earth and takes them on journeys. You travel with the TARDIS, be it time machine that is inside larger than outside and is camouflaged as a telephone cell. In addition, the doctor regenerates and thus other actors have the opportunity to play the doctor. The first episode came in the 70s and then there were some in the 80s and 90s. Then there was a break and in the 00s the 9th Doctor came and continues to experience fun and dangerous adventures. It is sometimes played on how lonely the doctor is. He’s 900 years old.

5 months ago

Strangers from Hell

You just have to have seen the series to understand what’s so damn good about her. I just love her. The storyline, the characters, great cast, the setting, the soundtracks, the end, I just love everything.

5 months ago

All Star Trek series because I love it since childhood.

5 months ago

Medical detectives.

Perfectly done..

5 months ago

Gilmore girls, Turkish for beginners, Bridgerton

5 months ago

Supernatural. Loyalty is really clarified.