Eure Meist gehassten Orte und Eure Meist geliebten Orte ?
Hallo Leute ich möchte von euch wissen wo in welchem Ort seit am liebsten und wo seit ihr nie gerne dort also findet ihr abstoßend den Ort haut mal raus egal was
Hallo Leute ich möchte von euch wissen wo in welchem Ort seit am liebsten und wo seit ihr nie gerne dort also findet ihr abstoßend den Ort haut mal raus egal was
An alle in Deutschland: Wie weit wohnt ihr von der Grenze zu Österreich, der Schweiz, Frankreich, der Niederlande, Luxemburg, Belgien, Dänemark, Polen und Tschechien entfernt? An alle in Österreich: Wie weit wohnt ihr von der Grenze zu Deutschland, Tschechien, Liechtenstein, Slowenien, Italien, Ungarn, der Schweiz und der Slowakei entfernt? An alle in der Schweiz: Wie…
Mit dem quer durchs Land Ticket kann man also jede regionale Bahn benutzen das heißt auch das man mit der hlb fahren kann richtig? Also wäre es möglich ohne Problemen zB von Nrw nach Hessen zu kommen wenn man eine regionale Bahn benutzt?
Die Flagge
Last Sunday I was in Playmobil Funpark. This is a stress every time. Just too little for the place. I hate the place. In contrast, Thurn Castle or something is easy.
The Nuremberg Central Station against me. There’s always some gesock on the way to get out of the way.
I love the Bavarian Forest. Right to reach quickly and relatively little off when you are on the Czech border. The Rhön Park Hotel Resort as one of the few All Incl. Bunker in my area is great to do nix.
Why don’t you go to the Europapark which is better or good for children of the Legoland in Günzburg, ok Yes at the railway station you have to watch who you’re right, and the last two definitely good place thanks you for the effort of the comment
I know the two parks, but they’re too far for day trips.
My bed is good.
School is an absolutely repulsive place. I have an understanding of anyone who’s gone through it.
With the bed I feel 100% and with the school yes it was always doof when you had to get up 6:00 in the morning just to go to school
Train station toilet is bad, go only in absolute need.
beloved place? is “in internet” a place? I make genre with social media and with leude write
Ok with the station I feel right the internet also has positive sides
I am very unfamiliar in Frankfurt.
Where I am very fond of walking on the beach or on cliffs 🙂
Hospital is felt like my second because I always feel there is corsica interesting
Corsica is great. But not so easy. I’m regularly in the hospital.
No matter what happens you just think about your health and family and friends is clear
I’d like to…
Stay healthy
You can call it that the kidneys are broken… this is always difficult with vacation. Because you need to find and book dialysis, etc.
Ok krass for which you also have a handicap