Eure Meinung zum Thema Zoo etc?
Ich finde, dass Tiere nicht zum anschauen in einem Käfig gehalten werden sollten. Vorallem Pinguine gehören in die Antarktis und nicht hier in einen Zoo!
Was halt ihr von Tierparks und Zoo?
Ich finde, dass Tiere nicht zum anschauen in einem Käfig gehalten werden sollten. Vorallem Pinguine gehören in die Antarktis und nicht hier in einen Zoo!
Was halt ihr von Tierparks und Zoo?
Guys, my budgie has feathers in front of his eyes and I don't know if he can see well. (I have 2 budgies)
Is there a limit that humanity will not cross? In the sense of, for example, intelligence, technological development, social development (interaction with one another) or even personal development?
Should you shop at a kebab shop if it advertises Halal? The animals bleed to death alive from a stab in the neck. Should one support this as a modern person?
Ich hab seit Beginn Sommer ein Mäuse Problem. Wir haben Sommer bis jetzt locker 25 Mäuse gefangen. Wir haben früher nicht so aufs essen geachtet besonders ich in meinem Zimmer aber jetzt achte ich sehr darauf das nix rumliegt. Jetzt schon wieder eine Maus gefangen was soll ich machen? Wir hatten mal ein Kammerjäger aber…
Depends on the species. In my opinion, certain species, such as whales or polar bears, do not belong to zoos. In other species such as farm animals it is easily possible to keep them in the zoo. In many animals kept in the zoo, they must live with compromises.
Basically, zoos are trying to build and shape their enclosures more closely than before. There are good zoos, and worse.
Wale can be kept in zoos and aquariums – this is also scientifically more than impressively confirmed:
Eisbärenschützen also welcome the attitude of the animals in zoos:
The great misunderstanding is that one can measure attitude quality in square meters and that is just a nonsense that has been refuted for decades. It is also not about the fact that cradles become bigger, but that the cradle offers enough stimuli.
Likewise, the term is virtually dead, because the science has also sought. More here: . It is almost used only rarely and then from habit.
What is true is that there are good and bad zoos, but this is not the institution of the zoo itself, but that everyone can simply call themselves a zoo. The name is not protected from accesses also by our own owners. A meaningful guideline can therefore be accreditations in zoo associations or also certificates. The most important thing is American Humane worldwide – this is probably one of the most prestigious animal welfare organizations ever.
“In particular, penguins belong to the Antarctic…”
Well, most of the penguins held in zoos (brills and Humboldt Penguins) are definitely not going to South America or South Africa. Penguins belonging to the Arctic are also appropriately held in air-conditioned halls, with ice, etc. In fact, as even the seasons can be replicated, I do not understand why you use penguins as an example.
The topic is quite discutable and the conditions in some zoos are not optimal, but the development towards large, natural facilities is very good.
Otherwise, zoos are important for art conservation and will also be more and more, because species death and climate change are progressing. And that’s where zoos help to get to know these problems. You only protect what you know.
There are also penguin species that would die in Antarctica.
Most zoos have passed away from cages during the day and keep their animals in larger enclosures with other common species.
In agriculture, many farm animals are also kept in the stables, which often have fewer runs than the zoo animals.
I’d like to look at animals in the zoo if I couldn’t see them there, I’d only know them from books.
In the case of extinction species, it is not rare that in zoos the extinction of these species can be prevented by targeted breeding and that these zoo animals can be re-used.
Zoos and aquariums are not only there to look at, but the accredited and/or certified zoological facilities are centers of education, research and species protection. Many species have been preserved before extinction and further species are currently successfully fought.
The hint of the penguins is subdued because not all the penguins live in Antarctica long ago. For the species you can feel the living conditions very well in Penguinaria and even on the sun island of Tenerife:
As you can see, not all the penguins live in snow and ice. In addition to the South American penguins in the video above, there are also African penguins, which you can offer great outdoors here.
So it helps to get information about the animals first, and the walking signs in zoos and aquariums usually help very well. Penguins can be kept super good here and this is important because species conservation projects are also associated with them.
I think it is very important for different aspects.
On the one hand, how much effort is the zoo? Does he offer the animals a lot of space and employment? Is there enough clean?
Then also on the animals. For example, you can do much justice to a donkey than a human ape.
Do you want a goal with the attitude? For example, partially endangered animal species are reared and then wild.
Nevertheless, I am more against zoos and animal parks. In my eyes, you can rarely give animals as much employment as they need. Also zoo animals move much less (for example, predators who would normally hunt). Then some zoo animals are killed because they do not fit into the breeding or there are too many of a sex, which is also a No go for me.
Come on to the zoo. In really good zoos, the animals aren’t really bad. There is of course not as much space as in freedom, but it is considered that the enclosures are as natural and large as possible. Safari parks where you have to go by car are best and the animals have the most space. There are also bad zoos in which animals live in too small cages. And animals like dolphins also orcas zb are not as old as in freedom in zoos in contrast to the by far most other species. At least they shouldn’t be caught. In freedom the animals have space but often also a very hard life Piguine. And also animals standing at the top of the food chain are lions. For the males, life is particularly hard they are driven out of the pack with about 2 highest, almost 3 years and then have to fight a place in the pack. Create that they kill all the boys of the predecessor, which in the animal kingdom is more the rule than the exception. Lions can keep a pack but usually only 2 or 3 years rarely longer before they are driven out again and fights between lions are always carried out bloody. Therefore, male lions in freedom are often not ten years old and a little more than half of the boys are not even experiencing their first birthday because they are either starved or killed by males. Freedom is already the best for an animal but also very hard. As harmonious as many people want to see it, life in the wild is not. Penguins also have many enemies zb seals, Orcas ,Haie. Some seals zb sea lions kill penguins just to get to the fish in the stomach. They leave the penguin themselves. He’ll be eaten by gulls. And also fighting between penguins can be bloody and end with the death of the weaker. The penguins held in zoos usually come from South Africa or South America. There are penguins really only on the southern hemisphere but not only in Antarctica.
Young Penguin Tragically This | Penguin Post Office | BBC Earth
Homewrecking Penguin | Animal Fight Night (Original)
Perhaps a very nice “basic idea” but with an art-friendly attitude, unfortunately, this has not been as much to do as I find, why I can’t support it…
Animal parks can keep the number of animals, without zoo many animals in nature want to be killed for hunger, because there are not as many foods as zoo.
Well, what do you think you’re really going to get yourself informed before you put theses here for discussion?
Penguins in Antarctica? of the 17 types of penguins that exist, only 4 permanently live in the Arctic ….
Without the breeding programs of the zoos – and indeed internationally – many species of animals would no longer exist in this world.
So the zoos have their right of existence…