Eure Meinung zum regelmäßigen Kiffen?
Ich kiffe regelmäßig und vernachlässige mein restliches leben dadurch.
Weder arbeit noch Schule.
Unter regelmäßig meine ich jeden Tag mindestens 1 joint maximal 3-5 ca.
Langsam fängts an das ich es bereue aber aufhören keine möglichkeit Schlafstörungen zu groß.
Ich liebe kiffen
Yeah, I don’t like it because I don’t care. Had a lot of stuffed myself and getting nothing on the line, but somehow I was not addicted to get high, but after relaxation and good sleep. That was so bad after that I was wide throughout, didn’t give any clear moments.
Yeah, but that’s partly the same. I have a break, for example, starting problems with falling asleep and then it starts with me again after a time. But it would be lied if I were to say that I didn’t like the high, being high also makes fun.
I did it a few times and make it very rare but more often than every 3 months would not be eligible for me.
Find what you take, a addiction is always bad. Kiffen in itself I find unproblematic…
This answer is the most logical in my eyes. No matter what kind of addiction, once you talk about one, it’s not good at first (social media, sugar, cannabis, alcohol, etc.)
However, this alcohol society triggers me so much
I have friends who tell me to stop ciffing and during this they go to the club every weekend and baptize or take back and forth MDMA(parts) or pep.
Then I think cannabis is just cannabis and actually not so bad or at least in relation to the folk drug alcohol actually a joke or not?
Of course you shouldn’t compare, but I don’t know, always this “cannabis is the devil!” But then take nicotine or alcohol and at once you are an angel or what?
What others do has nothing to do with you at all. It’s just an excuse. “You sometimes drink alcohol, so I can chew every day” doesn’t make any sense.
Cannabis gives you permanent damage at your age, does that apply to alcohol and MDMA? You can’t even think clearly.
If you don’t get your life on the line, you should look for professional help. What else? Sleep disorders can be encountered by utilising yourself during the day. You don’t have to crawl, especially because you eat like a caterpillar. Not too great!
So that’s true with the food, of course. However, I cannot agree entirely with sleep disorder because I have already had quite different experiences
Well, but a few words are going to go down, ne?
Even for a long time, the sooner you leave it the better.
That’s what they call addiction…
Life thrown away
So my life’s over you? Can you tell me why it is?
not yet
but if you continue to neglect your life, then of course
you get permanent mental damage of cannabis at your age
Such opfaaa drug strols often end up in a closed psychiatric facility, JVA or even if it’s stupid running in pathology.
So Weed = Psychiatry?
Jupp gave me the gossip express.
…that they all say.
According to my experience, Naja Psychosen will only be used in a very strong cannabis. Of course, I met myself by cannabis people who were either at a level other than me or who were sometimes on harder drugs. However, I am at my Consum quantity as far as I could now gain experiences not yet in the area where it is really “tangerous”.
A joint too much smoked, and then I was psychotic for a few months. When you say this, the greens come:
Even if studies show that Kiffer nen have 41% higher psychosis risk-
Either damn many people run around with a latent gossip, or cannabis isn’t that soft drug you like to talk to yourself.
Because drug users often land in such facilities. Didn’t you ever know?