Eure Meinung zum Festplatte Klonen?

Wie findet ihr Festplatten Klonen (Also Windows umziehen) zur eine andere Festplatte / SSD Oder sollte man doch Lieber Windows Neuinstallieren. ^^

P.s Welche Software zum Klonen kann man Empfehlen? 🙂

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2 years ago

I’m an anti fan. Secure everything and reinstall it cleanly.


2 years ago

Depends on the individual case.
If the system itself isn’t messed up…. no topic. (However, if many home users are to be found rather seldom.)

If you have a defective plate and want to save the data on it, I always make a 1:1 copy of the plate and work on the copy so that the already damaged plate does not completely give up the mind during the work.

2 years ago

You should not use Windows at all. It is unsafe, not user-friendly, is only used because of its monopoly position and is spyware.

Otherwise, it is probably worth reinstalling Windows every 6 months to get rid of all garbage, viruses and unnecessary updates.

If you want to clone the hard drive, then Clonezilla is worth it.

Overall, the 3-2-1 rule is worth: data always contain 3 compartments, on at least 2 devices and 1 of them out of the house.

2 years ago

To clone, you can take a live Linux – the dd command perfectly completes cloning. Windows is of course incapable of doing this without a third-party program.

Better use Linux as the main operating system, as all clones run perfectly on other computer hardware.

1 year ago

I prefer the new installation