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Lamotrigin Nebenwirkung?
Eine Nebenwirkung soll unter anderen Müdigkeit sein. Dieses merke ich sehr. Ich bin obwohl ich 7-8 Stunden schlafe mittags und Nachmittags nach der Arbeit immer sehr sehr müde. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit fitter zu werden auch bei der Einnahme von Lamotrigin?
Warum nehme ich nicht durch die Pille zu?
Gott sei dank natürlich!! Nehme sie schon seit ca.6Monaten und habe 0kg zugenommen dadurch.Gut so aber wieso nehmen dann so viele durch die Pille zu und ich nicht ,die Frauenärztin hat mir auch gesagt das man durch die Pille gar nicht zunehmem könnte aber wieso nehmen dann manche Frauen dogar 15kg zu?
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War es schlau von mir mich nicht impfen zu lassen?
Ich bin bis heute kein einziges Mal gegen Corona geimpft. War das schlau von mir oder nicht rückwirkend betrachtet? Ich hatte einmal Corona mit leichten ErkältungsSymptomen. Auch wegen Nebenwirkungen und so etc. Ich habe kein long covid
What specific is your question?
In general, vaccinations are one of the greatest achievements of medicine, and many diseases could be displaced to the point of meaninglessness, and poxes even eradicated.
Most people carry a lot of vaccinations.
If you give you a lot of different vaccinations on an appointment, then you have fewer art appointments you use for it and everything else is over faster. For this, the side effects can also be somewhat more violent.
some are really important.
Any approved vaccination is important and correct.
Well, not necessarily for everyone. If you do not break into a affected area, a yellow fever vaccination is not important, but meaningless.
I personally had no side effects yet. A 4. corona vaccination on a voluntary basis I do not want, annual flu, if necessary tetanus and what else is so I take with you.
One of the best inventions that humanity has ever made.
After consulting my doctor, my vaccination is really complete.
Vaccinations (many) I find good.
Vaccinations are the most underestimated in their positive effect.
Very good that there is
Vaccinations are important
A blessing for humanity!
When I read that the coronary vaccination favors breast cancer in women, I already doubt.
Where are you reading this?
On the web. I can’t say if it’s true.
Right, the doubt.
But the doubts should be directed mainly towards this source, which is completely unnecessary to create meaningless panic.
Not only would I have doubts about the resilience of such statements. For such a bullshit, worried or anxious people are vulnerable, and I don’t want to take off.
Better said: the typical deniers and vaccinators clientel seeks something and then claims the vaccination against (use any vaccination here) you have not (use any disease here) to promote.
She doesn’t. Your doubts are unfounded.
That’s wrong. So you can be relieved now.
Right. If you die of Covid, you can’t get breast cancer. As vaccination increases the probability of survival, the risk of breast cancer (and all other diseases as well as a kidnapping by aliens) also increases.
That’s bullshit.
That’s not true.