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So it would be 10-20 kg more if I didn’t take care of it, but 200 kg rather not. For that, you would have to eat at least twice the actual need. I can only do that if I’m sick and can’t move.
I eat quite often what I like. I don’t accept, no matter what I eat. Even though it’s rather unhealthy.
I’m just eating, and I’m really happy, but I’m just having small portions. I don’t weigh 200 kg. It’s a lot.
Mam would like a lot of food without problems but that remains a desire or body condition
I eat what I want, I keep doing sports every day, who moves a lot is not fat
With me, however, it is mainly the quantities. I’d like to eat more because it’s sooo delicious.
Got a thyroid hyperfunction and can only increase very hard.
Not that, but I would never let it get so thick..
I prefer healthier food in moderate quantities, so… no.
Because of my illness, I’m taking it fast anyway.
I think you’re tired at some point, and even if you have pleasure and appetite, nothing goes in.