Eure Meinung zu Blockflöte?
Ich finde es unglaublich schade, dass die Blockflöte immer als Kinderinstrument dargestellt wird. Kommentare wie “Ich kann Blockflöte spielen. Hab ich in der Schule gespielt” nerven mich dann immer. Die Flöte ist so ein schönes (und wenn man gut spielen will auch schweres) Intrument! Seht euch Videos von Maurice Steger an!
Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Very nice and sophisticated instrument when you play it right!
…but has a few peculiarities that in some situations, especially as a bass instrument, do not make it so great.
Unfortunately, the deep recorders that sound very nice are quiet and in themselves extremely much quieter in depth than in height. As a result, they are damned either to be microphoneed, only to play among themselves (block recorder ensemble) or to give up (not to play in larger music groups).
This is also somewhat limiting for the repertoire of the recorder ensemble, because one cannot make a percussive bass and also no swelling deep lines.
The fact that the recorder was at times a “normal” instrument among others should not be overestimated for the late baroque, the core repertoire of the recorder soloists. You don’t need recorders for late baroque music. They have been rare guests or lay instruments.
Where you can really use them well is so music from 1500-1700. But even there they are not important solo instruments.
In itself, I find high recorders very good and also expressive ensembles and recorder ensembles can also be very atmospheric – especially 8 foot groups (TBGbKb or BGbGbKb) which have a very peculiar dark and pale sound. They also sound very well occupied several times, which brings such a hovering in.
What they can do is play counterpoint, imitate birds, pleasures glucking, extremely tight articulation. There they are even the by far the best blowing instruments.
What they can do very bad is unobtrusively accompany and lay foundations for a larger group.
What they can’t do is survive sound mixes – unfortunately, the deeper recorders are overtoned in almost every combination except with small organ and almost inaudible. Therefore, for example, I find it very bad if you have a larger recorder group and then, for example, a cello and a harpsichord next to it – makes no sense.
There are also quite different flutes. I also find it a beautiful instrument. played 8 years and then changed to cross flute. The sopran recorder would be too high for me today. I don’t hear the whole spectrum anymore. So third octave and so.
Maurice is really great.