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Was meint ihr? Für einen Badeurlaub
At the beach, eat pizza, drink white wine, play volleyball, brown, go swimming, play tennis in the warm evening air and spend time with family and friends, make parties in the garden, or at the beach :))
Hello Christian
Water is my element. I love it! A cooling in the summer in the beautiful lake, river or sea is great to me. Also the water may still be somewhat colder not so warm.. The head is best diving under water and Let’s go and turn off… Wonderful!
A pleasant weekend!
Love greetings
a good mix of still unknown, beautiful old cities to visit and relax in the green, e.g. by the lake,
I would prefer to use a remotely controlled artificial duck with a hidcam on the excavator lake. It was too lazy to put it into practice. SCNR
I am not a sporty type – like to talk about God and the Bible.
Sealedly followed by grills, radishes and chills at the lake with chickenwings.
Go swimming and lie in the sun.
in the lake and naked.
lie on the lake, read, convertible, walk, entertain, grill, .. swimming, diving
Water battles
Motorcycle driving