Eure Festivalerfahrungen?
Hey GF-Community,
An die Menschen die schon auf vielen Festivals waren, was waren eure Erfahrungen? Ich selber war schon auf mehreren.
Es können auch schlechte Erfahrungen gewesen sein, jedoch auch sehr schöne.
Am besten wäre es evtl. das Festival anzugeben, von dem ihr erzählt und welches Musikgenre es war, wenn das bestimmbar ist.
Bedanke mich im vorraus auf eure Antworten 🙂
I was at so many festivals that I don’t remember everyone anymore. Jazz Festival Vienna, various rocks and blues. Then also various theatre festivals, often also classical festivals, where young musicians presented their talents with experienced classical stars, …
Only Woodstock – that’s what I’ve only learned – as well as the mother of all festivals, the Monerey Rock Festival I’ve seen “only” in the cinema.
Thank you for the award!
I made good and clawy
But for crown-secret I need to ask
Your good experiences would be very interesting to me! 😀
My horizon has been extended. I was allowed to live Don Shirly and many other great musicians.
What exactly?
A lot
I Wsr last year on 9
Sounds cool, thank you for your answer! 😀
To cook 3h in the flow to third all the frames with the gas cooker and to soak air – that was funny
Simply one of the 9 things you liked best can also call several how you want 🙂