Eure Erfahrungen zu UNI vs FH?
Lese tatsächlich sehr viel schlechtes im Internet von UNI-Absolventen, bezogen auf den Arbeitsmarkt. Das einzige Gute, was ich bisher lesen konnte, waren höchstens die Kommentare von UNI- Leuten, wie sie sich gegen FH-Leute versuchen zu behaupten und diese schlecht zu reden und so.
Habe einen Kumpel, der hat seinen Bachelor an einer FH gemacht und den Master auf ner UNI. Der meinte, dass es einfach nur spezifischer, vertiefter im Thema ist an einer UNI und die FH dir halt zeigt wie mans Anwendet und da muss man seine Zeit nicht damit verbringen das zu beweisen. Er bevorzugt die FH klar, aber würde seinen UNI-Teil nicht missen wollen und findet beides hilft ihm sich als Bewerber aus der Masse hervor zu heben. Laut ihm sind die von der UNI nicht fürs arbeiten geschaffen und denen von der FH fehlt an manchen Ecken das tiefere Verständnis.
Von wen anders, der an einer UNI sein Grundstudium durch gemacht hatte und zum Ende seines Bachelors auf die FH gewechselt ist, habe ich mitbekommen, dass er total begeistert von der FH war. Er hatte auch enorm viel Power und kam mir nicht so Zerfressen wie wir von der FH rüber. Er meinte, dass das Wissen von der UNI eigentlich nicht nötig ist, sehr vieles überflüssig sei. Aber er könne nun wohl theoretische Dinge besser als die von der FH. Er hätte aber trotzdem gerne von anfang an an der FH studiert. Mittlerweile schreibt er einige Publikationen an unserer FH und ist da wohl auch gut bei und sehr motiviert.
Das sind so bisher meine Erfahrungen. Dieser Eindruck könnte allerdings getrübt sein von meinem Umfeld. Also mich Interessiert mal Eure ehrliche Meinung! Sehr gerne, bevorzugt die von UNI-Absolventen!
Uni and FH have different focuses, as you have already written. The type of higher education must match the student’s type of person and its talents and inclinations, and for some professional activities one or the other fits better. In some professional activities, both the one and the other.
There are no better and worse keys! A key must simply fit the castle! A problem with this actually only have those people who do not know exactly what their castle actually looks like!
Interesting that there is apparently also the opposite opinion because here the UNI degree is clearly higher.
Rather it is the requirement for the profession that it decides
According to my knowledge, both degrees are equal by law or am I wrongly informed? It may also be impossible to make a distinction in the application procedure.
Each employer decides – according to its own criteria – which applicant he chooses from all applicants.
In your grammar, you’ve never seen a lecture room from inside
Nope I don’t have, and after today’s stand at 33, I’d never decide.
My experience is based on my colleagues who have studied majority and the “general” requirements in our company.
Non-educational weak-stop
Poor shape…
Thanks for the confirmation
You’re definitely right.
would say it counts primarily the experience and the skills. In most cases, the application process is looked at to the highest degree. A Bachelor on a university or FH usually does not exclude a Master on another university form.
Of course, with many FHs it becomes difficult with a doctorate, because many simply do not have a doctorate right and at the university the way is possible until then.
In many top positions, doctoral titles are welcome.
Ultimately, you have to convince yourself and often besides the FHs and Unis, especially the business schools have the nose far ahead, because they often have better contacts in the economy.
There are different focal points or Orientations.
The FH is more application-oriented. For this, one does not need the greatest deepening, instead practical exercise and a more broader knowledge is necessary.
The university is science-oriented. And in order to be able to conduct science, the details of the details must also be clear. However, it is perfectly fine for this to happen if the practical applicability of a project has not been achieved.
It is not the one or the other better or worse, but it is simply Other.
Always consider the background (or the not known background) of those who express their opinion. Someone who focuses on practical work, daily life, etc. and thinks that missing knowledge can be supplemented as needed, will be the question of university graduate vs. FH graduates see differently than anyone who wants to carry out research in detail on a speciality and who, of course, requires knowledge of the basics.
Some employers prefer FH graduates and some employers prefer university graduates.
It usually works with whether the employer has studied at an FH or at a university.