Euphrasia eye drops for dry eyes?
I had pain when looking right/left/up/down, and my mother gave me these drops. It helped my left eye, but not my right. Now I want to use it again until I read that it's for some kind of condition. (Last used about 3 hours ago)
Is it bad that I used it?
Does this have any consequences now?
Can I continue to use the drops?
I don’t know if it’s bad and has any consequences for your sensitive visual organs.
What I know, however, is that you don’t just drink eye drops in painful organs. Please go to the ophthalmologist, Monday morning, because every ophthalmologist offers acquiring hours.
Euphrasia Eye Drop in the case of reddened, irritated and impregnating eyes and allergic conjunctitis.
What cause your painful eyes have, then the ophthalmologist diagnoses.
All right.