Euer Meinung hat corona viel früher angefangen als wir es kennen?
Manche berichten von das corona Symptome hatten im Jahr 2019
Manche berichten von das corona Symptome hatten im Jahr 2019
Ich hatte die letzen 2 Tage eine Lebensmittelvergiftung und habe auch dementsprechend nichts gegessen. Mir ist nicht mehr übel, muss nicht mehr brechen und Durchfall ist auch weg. Meint ihr da kann man jetzt wieder Nudeln essen ohne dass es erneut anfängt?
Wohl am bekanntesten sind zur mittelalterlichen Zeit Japans die Samurai, welche ähnlich wie die Ritter des europäischen Mittelalters einem Shogun (etwa Herzog) unterstanden und diesem einen treuen Dienst leisten mussten. Unter jedem Samurai standen wiederum Bauern & co, sodass sich daraus schlussfolgern lässt, dass es gar nicht allzu viele Samurais gegeben haben kann, wenn diese…
Bitte keine Antworten, wie „als niemand“ oder „cosplayen ist doof“.
Wenn ich mit der flachen Hand Druck auf meinen Kopf ausübe habe ich an einer bestimmten Stelle im Kopf immer einen dumpfen Kopfschmerzen. Das ist kein Pieksen von der Kopfhaut oder so. Der Scheiß macht mir ganz schön Sorgen und beim Training oder Schuhe binden hatte ich auch schon mal punktuelle Kopfschmerzen. Ich war schon…
With transversal-flapsig Corona is usually Covid19 I mean. Corona virus disease 19. Some reason it must have that doesn’t mean Covid20, don’t you think?
tja, unfortunately you will not be concrete.
Probably, the corona symptoms simply come from another virus. Coronaviruses often have similar symptoms.
Covid19 is called Covid19 because it started to circulate among people at the end of 2019. But if your friends of Corona symptoms reported in 2019, that should have a completely different reason.
There are viruses with similar symptoms, not only Covid19. This also applies to the old 4 human coronaviruses. For man can not only infect himself with Covid19, but also with 4 other viruses that are in circulation among humans. (In addition, the SARS virus also existed and there is an MERS virus that does not spread from human to human.)
The human coronaviruses are:
No, it didn’t. In Wuhan it can be that the True Patient dates zero to October or November, perhaps even September, that produces extrapoeia of the Fahll numbers. But in the rest of the world, it came later. Of course, when it became known, many were sick, they saw her tip of the iceberg, it definitely happened earlier. Consider first cases in Bergamo in December, in the rest of Europe from January.
Well and before there were similar diseases? Yes what a surprise, it was the exceptionally malignant flu strain A/H3N2 on the go… The type of symptomism, the number of people who had to go to the clinic as intensive patients is still clear with Covid and the well-known wave in correlation, there is nothing “a lot earlier”, and even this group of tribes with death victims and sensitive hospital rate was in the Cf. To the Covid wave from Feber and then again in autumn, harmless.
No “Corona” didn’t exist earlier.
The disease needed only a new name, because politics wanted to test exactly how far they can go with humanity, i.e., curfew, 100% control.
Because with the flu they couldn’t test it
May be:
Yes, but this is the well-known blur (and it is clear that a few weeks in the ground was smiling before the exponential increase of the cases, the pot was allowed to explode quickly). In autumn 2019 there were NO Covid in Europe. And in December, if necessary, first cases so rare that, you will win more in the lottery than you will be infected.
Corona had also broken out at the end of19
COVID-19 has broken out. Coronaviruses have been much longer.
The virus has existed for decades and longer
Yes, the flu is there every year. 1/3 of all cold fluctuations are triggered by corona viruses.
No. Coronaviruses solve Covid and grippale infects. They’re not releasing a group. Flu is influenca. And Influenca does not release Covid. With all similarity, there are different diseases.
I corrected it: cold diseases.
Why didn’t you say it when you know you so well? Do you think your vocabulary makes a difference for an average reader?
Coronaviruses solve about 1/3 of all cold diseases every year, according to the former German Institute for Primate Research.
On other websites (e.g. pharmaceutical) they say 10-15%.
That is, coronaviruses have always existed and have been known since the middle of the last Jahhrundert. People have always become ill – it belongs to the natural cold wave every year.
Virus type infection frequency in percent
Rhinovirus 30-50 adenovirus <5 coronavirus 10-15 influenza virus 5-15
This is now wrong, because Covid-19 (= more dangerous than flu / influenza) comes after official explanation of Coronavirusen. Coronaviruses are a family of countless tribes and variants.
In any case, according to official scientific representation.
Personally, I do not believe that these are suddenly as much more dangerous or infectious than before – unless you somehow help in spreading.
This has a simple reason that is well known in virology: Viruses have no interest in killing their host – because they cannot spread well. The most deadly viral infectious diseases are also those that are least likely to spread.
Because influenca, flu, is a severe threatening disease, likeCovid as well. And many others are much more harmless and therefore are simply different levels.
Yes, Corona – I had symptoms in 2014 after exaggerating during the World Cup with the celebration.
Which one?
nausea, vomiting, dizziness