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2 years ago

Moin first,

as it is likely with most (which should be the case), it is always their own server. Of course, I love my own server xD, but otherwise I have another favorite, namely the DE community. If you need their left, just write me to “Crash#1000” before it’s still considered an advertisement.

MfG crash

2 years ago

Simply wonderfully chilled, a regional server: Leipzig Discord. Not as stressful as others where everyone talks together. And you even find neighbors 😀

2 years ago

I believe my own, is currently the most inactive I know as he listens to me and I can do what I want, it’s my “lovest server”

2 years ago

The one in which only I and my friend are in:)

If you talk about the active members, that would be the German Anime Community Server 🙂

Hope I could help