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The 2010s, I started flowering, finding myself, having a wonderful marriage, etc.
Therefore, it has been the most important decade for me so far.
For me the 80s. There I was Teenie and loved the music and the clothes. In the decade, the best films were filmed.
I find the eighties most and best in some respects, especially when one takes account of the age and, for example, in relation to the films, the technical possibilities at that time.
Whether Last Christmas or Dirty Dancing, Back to the Future and the Action Films, Electropop and Neue Deutsche Welle – there were also many things later, of course, different and even better, but culturally perhaps not as very shaping and innovative as it was at that time.
The 70s. My school and apprenticeship time. Both musically and film-technically the most innovative decade
If I go after aesthetics and look at my parents’ photos, I would say the Eighties to the middle of the Nineties.
The 00s.
2000s, they were a good mix of technology and old.
I only asked a few days ago – dressed in a “something” longer question.
Can check.
For me, the Roaring Sixties from Beatlesmania to Flower Power / Woodstock, studies in the midst of European student riots >>> “Under the Talars of the Muff of 1000 years !”
50 years
Ooooo, like that?!
Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly fan??
Of course, they are with it.
50’s Rock n Roll and Rockabilly I’ve always heard.
This is the lifestyle and the horny cars, furniture and clothing.
Personally not.
I’ve become an Elvis fan in the middle of the 70’s, and you’re automatically coming to the 50’s I just found very interesting.
At the beginning of the 80s I dressed accordingly, combed me ne Tolle and was on the way in the Ted and Rockabilly scene.
And my heart is still burning for the 50s
Indiscrete question: Did you – like me – witness the time itself??
The 60s and 70s.
If I can correct the error that has been repeatedly produced as a sickly proof:
Otherwise, your word was written: 70 ZIGER and 80 ZIGER years…
NO! Was now free for you!!
Ups feel honored Thank you;-)