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Was hätte ich an meinem heutigen Essen verbessern können?
Habe heute Morgen bzw. Mittag (bin spät aufgestanden) einen Cappuccino getrunken mit 1 1/5 Löffel Zucker. Etwas später habe ich dann Nudeln mit Soße und Fleisch gegessen und Erdbeersaft getrunken. Abends hatte ich eine Scheibe Brot mit 3 Scheiben Schinkenwurst und kalten Kakao. Zwischendurch gab es noch Schokolade. Was hätte man an dem Essen verbessern…
– Chop onions in olive oil glassy.
– Small cut tomatoes (like to take Cherry tomatoes), possibly also cut from can
– Salt + some sugar
– Simmers (smoothly a little longer)
– Finally, add cream and cinnamon (!) to it and let it be cooked easily.
The cinnamon is almost the most important.
(As I always do this freely, I can’t make measurements.)
roast onions, chilli and garlic with tomartenmark and remove with vegetable broth.
Quinoa (in case of upruns, lasagna etc) . In pasta without quinoa.
Add salt, pepper and laurel leaves, add sweet mini risp tomatoes. Something red or red wine.
Gently simmer.
Ready, good appetite!
Some oregano, parsley or rosemary I sometimes do it as needed. Muscat or soy sauce. This is not the rule, but rather just so occasionally.
I don’t take a parmesan, but Padano
Sometimes I do soya granulate. As a meat substitute.
I’m a veal, but I don’t like a hack in my soups. It spoils the taste.
In a tomato sauce, there is neither meat nor soya, cheese, of course, nor tomato paste if you have tomatoes.
That’s not stupid.
For a mediterane tomato sauce 1Bund persiele with olive oil and garlic, then peeled tomatoes.
Highly aromatic, sweet cocktail tomato freshly harvested from the garden and liquefied with a spice, some salt to it and not to heat, but to add to the hot pasta and so eat. The compromise is worth it.
Mix ketchup with cream and cheese
April we are not currently
Enough people eat it so 😂 but good wonders honestly not that you are from Bavaria the unfriendly people are there …
And that tastes you?
Matched or chopped tomatoes, TL vegetable broth, pepper, basil.