A bit longer question, so see below (question about bus and train tickets)?

Good evening,

I would like to travel away by train.

I have to change trains on this route. This means I'll travel part of the way by train (part of the route) and then continue by bus.

Do I have to pay for the bus ticket separately in addition to the train ticket or do I just need to buy the train ticket and can use it for the bus as well?

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3 years ago

This depends on what route it is and what rate there is.

In addition to the normal tariff of the Deutsche Bahn, there are numerous regionally different composite tariffs and individual country tariffs (e.g. in Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg) with different regulations. In some cases, the use of buses with normal train tickets is also possible.

In short, this cannot be answered without more detailed information.

3 years ago
Reply to  anonyyym234

Then one of the four different composite tariffs in NRW (AVV, VRR, VRS, Westfalentarif) or the NRW tariff applies to your trip. In these cases, the use of buses and trains in local traffic is possible with the same ticket if you have bought a continuous ticket from the starting point to the destination (and not only from the station to the station).