Etwas fleischartiges aus meiner scheide während der periode?
Hi, hab meine Periode (Tag 2) und heute ist was merkwürdiges rausgekommen.
(Bild vom Support entfernt)
Meine Mutter meint es wär ein Stück der gebärmutterschleimhaut, aber als ich danach auf Google gesucht hab, sahen die Abbildungen komplett anders aus wie hier:
(Bild vom Support entfernt)
Außerdem ist das eher so fleischartig und weich. Man kann es leicht zerreißen. Was ist das? Soll ich zum Frauenarzt?
This is a part of the mucous membrane from the womb that would have been expelled from the period.
It’s nothing bad, it’s normal.
Thank you!
Your mother’s right, this is cervical mucosa. This sometimes comes from the vagina when you have its period, but you don’t have to worry about it. That’s normal, all right!
By the way, I think that you’re going to get your mother, that doesn’t make many girls anymore!
Thank you.
You’re welcome!
Menstrual blood is nothing but the detached mucous membrane of the uterus. In this respect, it is completely normal that even more lumpy components appear. Your mother’s right.
Of course, not only blood comes during the period. With the blood, cervical mucosa is also excreted, which we then perceive as lumps or scratches.
That’s normal. The bleeding is there to float these lumps out of the body. During menstruation, the cervical mucosa dissolves and blood vessels are torn up from which blood comes out. This blood then flows out of the body with the cervical mucosa.
Here’s a video:
At 1:33 you see the process of separation and bleeding. The video does not take long, it makes sense to look completely in it will explain important foundations that you should know.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you.
That’s like your mother said, part of the cervical mucosa. Fits 100% on your description. This is completely normal and no reason to worry
Your mother’s right. That’s absolutely normal.
I give your mother perfectly right. Completely unproblematic.
Yeah, that’s clearly mucous membrane. Don’t worry, it’s supposed to be repulsed during the period.
It’ll be some mucous membrane, other things won’t come out. Can you ask the gynecologist once it calms you down?
that is normal but why you show your period strange men is not disgusting
By now, fortunately. Even if it’s a natural thing, I don’t show anything in the toilet after I was on it. You can also describe it.
Thomas you have no right to speak
Ne, do not find it disgusting because you can describe the jz nd so easily. Besides, it can be anything when I say it is soft and fleshy.
It wasn’t really undemocratic. If you don’t have any sense of humor, that’s your problem. If you’re disgusting or you’re still in prejudice, you don’t have to say this. You don’t even have an idea how scary it can be if you get out of meat. And you can’t really describe it as it could have been.
Are you undemocratic? Being better and better