ETA notwendig bei Umsteigeflügen über LHR?
Ab 2. April 2025 benötigen EU-Bürger bei Reisen nach England eine kostenpflichtige elektronische Einreisegenehmigung (ETA). Benötigt man diese auch bei einem Umsteigeflug von Deutschland über London Heathrow (LHR) nach USA/Kanada (und retour) oder ist sie überflüssig, weil dort in abgeschotteten Transferbereichen umgestiegen wird?
Yes, it is also necessary for transit trips similar to the USA and Canada.
Thank you.
Shit! Unnecessary additional costs and additional costs. Who flies with the four-headed family is almost a fuffier and sits on the computer for nothing over half an hour! Beautiful new digital world!
who stays in the terminal isn’t a !
there is only the entry! nix from the stand by in the area in front of the customs!
Not my word. It’s on the official UK side, which I have linked up the rest.
No. But a travel agent has communicated this way.
were you talking to the airport?
Thank you. That’s important to know.
That would have been my wish, but it is not.
Your word to brexxitania .
You need it anyway!